Comforted cat.

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(A couple days later...)

(TW: Panic attack.)

Wilbur couldn't remember when he last felt this wanted.

He had finally been deemed as 'not sick' by Phil and he was honestly excited, instantly darting off the sofa and wandering aimlessly around the room. The cat hybrid had been confined to that one bit of furniture the whole time, accompanied by at least one other person constantly despite his insistence that it wasn't necessary. The elytrian had even taken a few days off work, explaining that he worked from home and had a flexible schedule as he passed homemade soup around. Wilbur didn't think it was necessary, constantly claiming that he wasn't actually sick and scowling whenever they gave a disbelieving look.

Despite what Wilbur would say, the medication did wonders for him; the cough drink that they got him to have soothing his throat whenever he drank it. With his coughs getting more and more infrequent and his energy levels rising significantly, he'd managed to convince Phil to resume work and was trusted to not hide another coughing fit from them again. The cat hybrid knew that was the real reason they'd hung around him, preventing him from doing anything straining with Phil scolding him whenever he would try to hide any symptoms.

It wasn't anywhere near as bad as Wilbur made it out to be, secretly enjoying their company whenever someone would join him. He learnt more about Tommy than he knew about himself, content with listening to whatever he talked about and making the younger laugh with his comments. The cat hybrid soon knew all his friends by name, smiling at the fond tone Tommy had whenever he talked about them. Techno was the one to join him the most, reading or watching something with him quietly as their shoulders touched. He still joined the piglin hybrid at night, staying with him despite his light-hearted argument that he should be resting and doing whatever he could to help him sleep. Phil was an absolute angel to him, keeping him company and suggesting a series for them to watch together. The cat hybrid liked his company, no longer feeling so hesitant to tease the elytrian about his age or mention sand mafias and geography.

It felt domestic, and Wilbur felt his cat instincts purring in his mind far more often.


It was what Wilbur thought was a normal Wednesday morning, his eyes barely focused on whatever tv show Techno had put on. Tommy was at school, and the pair were sat in the rare quietness of the house. The piglin hybrid seemed more closed off than usual, and Wilbur could tell that he was hiding something. The cat hybrid allowed it to slip from his mind, his ability to tell that it wasn't anything important alleviating his anxiousness.

'Wilbur, Techno!' He turned his head at Phil's voice, confused when he saw the elytrian locking his office door and balancing a few coats on his arm. Techno's hand suddenly closed over his, pulling them both to their feet and dragging him to where Phil was standing.

'Did you tell him Tech?' The elytrian asked, passing a coat to the piglin hybrid when he shook his head. 'Will, mate. We're going to take you shopping, hopefully it won't be too busy on a weekday.' He simply nodded, watching as Phil slipped on his coat and grabbing a sweater from Techno. Wilbur was ushered outside, suffocated in their warmth as they held him close to break some of the cold wind.

He spent most of the car journey staring out the window, watching as the colours blurred together and cars zoned around. Wilbur couldn't remember the last time he'd been in a car, fiddling with his seatbelt absently as he tried to commit the experience to memory. The cat hybrid ignored how his hands started shaking as the shopping centre came into view, reassuring Techno when he'd been asked if he was okay and plastering on a smile that he hoped looked genuine.

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