Apple cat.

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The mornings were one of the only times the house seemed peaceful.

Phil flicked on the kettle, watching absently as the water started bubbling viciously and ridding the house of its previous silence. He leaned his head against the kitchen cupboard, rubbing his eyes as he poured some coffee into a mug. It was 8am, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to function without coffee. Leaving plenty of water in the kettle for when Techno eventually shuffled downstairs, he brought his mug over to the table and practically flopped onto the chair.

He wondered how long he had until Tommy woke up, bounding down the stairs with his usual energy and heaving Techno along with him when he dragged his feet. It's then his quietude is usually disrupted with an energetic teenager and a tired piglin hybrid who couldn't make coffee without clanging every single mug. Phil smiled at the memory of their first morning together, the absolute chaos of it left them all snorting milk back into their cereal.

The elytrian sipped at his coffee as he tapped at his phone, sending a quick thank you to Niki as he scanned over her advice. He had texted her sometime last night, using his left hand to type and using his right to gently brush the hair from the unconscious cat hybrid's forehead. Wilbur... Phil hummed into his coffee; the name suited him. The eytrain wasn't sure what to expect when he'd shifted, but he'd knew that he wasn't the only one curious. Tommy never stopped fidgeting, having already addressed his desire to see what the cat hybrid looked like, but Techno was more subtle; his eyes simply sparkling with anticipation.

Phil thought back to when he shifted, him swaying slightly on his knees before passing out, Phil's arms barely reaching forward enough to catch him. The elytrian tried to ignore Tommy's worried babbling as he gently hit the side of his cheeks, concern surfacing instantly when he didn't wake up. He remembered gesturing for Techno to help lift him onto the sofa, allowing him to remain by his side and tasking the teenager to help him find clothes. The elytrian knew Tommy needed something to do, leaving the piglin hybrid to ride out his protective instincts as they prepared for him to wake up. He was called downstairs just over an hour later, the relief of him waking up suffocated his thoughts as he dashed downstairs.

He was startled out of the memory when he heard a crash from the living room, accompanied by a couple curses from a distinctly hoarse voice. Phil eyebrows rose at his stood up, his wing hitting the edge of the seat as he crossed the corner of the kitchen. Distracted with his wings, he didn't notice the other figure until it was too late, his hands instantly reaching out to the person.

Wilbur... wait why was he up?

Phil reached out when his knees buckled, grabbing onto him carefully and keeping his arm around his waist. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes were still prominent despite how obvious it was that he'd just woken up. 'Hey... you shouldn't be up mate. You're still sick.' He resisted the urge to coo as the cat hybrid blinked sleep out of his eyes. 'Come on... let's get you back.' Phil tried to coax him towards the sofa again, only stopping when Wilbur didn't comply.

'Spilt some water... need to clean it up.' The tall hybrid gestured lazily towards the living room, attempting to shuffle back towards the kitchen as his fluffy hair fell over his forehead.

'No, let me do that.' The elytrain insisted, pointing towards the living room with a silent gesture. Wilbur shook his head, leaning against him more which Phil had a sneaky suspicion wasn't a conscious choice.

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