One-shot: Loved cat.

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It was weird constantly staying in human form after years of only being a cat.

At first, he didn't think much of it, secretly happy with the fact that he could actually communicate with them in ways that weren't meows and exaggerated movements. They seemed pleased with it too, and he found that it was much easier to comfort people when they knew he could understand them.

Of course, he was still there for them, it was in his nature after all. Wilbur found a way to sneak into Tommy's room when he could tell he was stressed, coaxing the younger to lean against him when he noticed fingers itching closer and closer the longer he stayed there. The cat hybrid simply sat there as Tommy talked about what was bothering him, silently offering him comfort as he ruffled his hair or traced patterns on their joint hands.

Wilbur was the first one there when the teenager came back upset from school one day, tears threatening to escape from his eyes as he locked himself in his bedroom. He remembered grabbing the key from a concerned Phil, unlocking his door carefully and throwing his arms around Tommy, never letting go as the raccoon hybrid let out his sobs. He stayed there with him the rest of the afternoon, gently rubbing his back as the teenager told him about a couple of his 'friends.'

'It's pathetic.' Tommy cried; his head buried in Wilbur's shoulder as his speech came out muffled.

'It's not.' He insisted, keeping his voice gentle to not upset him even more. 'Those aren't your friends Toms, and it sounds like they never were.'


'No buts, think about Tubbo. He's your best friend, right?' Tommy nodded into his shoulder, his sniffling gradually getting smaller. 'He'd never even think of treating you like that, would he? And I doubt you would either.'

'Why do you have to be right...?' He smiled when he heard the small whisper, opting for ruffling his hair as the younger whined.

Wilbur remembered coaxing him to give their names before walking with him the following day, a couple squeezes to his hand as he watched him walk inside. He started meeting him after school, collecting him with a small smile and glaring viciously when he noticed his old 'friends' trailing behind them. The cat hybrid demanded Tommy to tell him if they ever bothered him, a protective glance thrown their way was enough to stop them. And well, if it ever happened again then Wilbur didn't think he'd want to stop Techno from making an appearance.


It wasn't just Tommy he was there for either. He found that it was much easier to get Phil to take breaks from his work, even if they were small ones. Wilbur appeared in his office various times throughout the day, glasses of water in hand and forcing the older to drink it because he just knew he was dehydrated. The cat hybrid made him lunch as well, pulling the elytrian out of his office every day to eat his food at a different location, staying with him to prevent him from leaving.

'You don't have to stay with me, mate.' Phil had said to him one afternoon, sipping at yet another glass of water Wilbur had given him.

'I'm offended Phil, you don't enjoy my company?' He teased, cutting up a sandwich he had made for Techno and turning to face the elytrian.

'You know I do...' He said fondly, and Wilbur simply chuckled in reply. 'But you should do things for yourself instead of looking after me.'

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