2: Swords man

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Going off of the manga and the animated form(?) And this is the first time reading the manga, it is so diffrent🙀 but oh well😎-idiot writer

3rd Pov

Sailing to the island that held this pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro was a pain, especially at the fact that Luffy lost Yn's motion sickness pills. Which is why Koby is keeping her from jumping in the water and he's also trying to navigate. Luffy is very excited to meet Zoro but there's Koby telling him how 'evil' Zoro is.

Time skip Yn pov

We make it to the dock and I quickly get off the boat. I here Luffy giggle like an idiot and tell me to hurry.
'I'd like to see you be a dragon slayer, motion sickness sucks' I think internally crying but I quickly walk towards the two. Koby asked if I was fine, which I reassured him that I was fine and there was nothing to worry about. As were walking to the base Koby continues to try to get us to turn around.

"Hey is that guy zoro around here?" Luffy asks, causeing the villagers to move away from us.

"Luffy" I say

"It was just a question." I chuckled at my captions response. Koby tells Luffy that we should not mention Zoro. Then the three of us continue on to the Marine Base but then Koby mentions the captain dude everyone moves away from us again. This cause me to get very suspicious.
' something seems off about this place'

Luffy laughs, Calling the town weird, while Koby also thinks there's something wrong.

" maybe they were all just jumping around for the fun of it" Luffy says

" and how would that make any sense?" Koby says.

"Luffy, Koby has a point. Somethings not right here... The town's peoples emotions are angered and scared when Koby mentioned the marine captin" u say, but Luffy continues on to the Marine Base. When we finally make it to the base Koby starts to tear up saying this is where we part ways. Luffy and I walk towards the wall, I give Luffy a small boost up while I lift myself up to sit on the wall.

"GET DOWN FROM THERE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THEY'LL SEE YOU TWO" Koby yells. Luffy looks around for that demon guy, Koby say he would be inside but I senses someone nearby and Luffy sees him patently causing Koby to climb up to see him. Koby gets scard seeing Zoro. Luffy proceeds to say that we could just untie the ropes and bam he's free. Koby then yells at Luffy saying that he's gonna kill them.

"Hey, you three" Koby screams but Luffy stays quite.

"Your eye sores, get lost" koby screams yet again but then a pure arua of what I assume is a child climbed up on a latter. Koby assumes the worse will happen. Then a group of three arrive. An very annoying voice dude wastes the food. Then the annoying person commands one of the men behind him to throw the girl over the wall. I feel Luffy's eyes glance toward me, the man throws the girl. I jump and shield her from hitting the ground. She thanks me and I climb the wall along with Luffy. Luffy complaints zoro for holding out for
So long and calls him a weirdo. We start to walk away.

"Wait,  hold on" he says.
"Could you pick that up for me" he asks. I scoop it into my hand and Luffy tells him it's almost mud. Which causes zoro to yell at Luffy. I chuckled.
"What a kind little demon" Zoros cheeks flush red causing me to giggle. I then feed him the rice balls

Small time skip

"And he ate every grain of it" I say, she smiles. Some part of me regrets leaving Them but I shake it off.

"I'm So Glad!" She says her smile growing wider making me chuckle. Coby looks toward us with a frown

"Could that guy be as bad as everyone says?" He questions, but Rika snaps at him.

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