Chapter 8

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I ran to Half Blood Hill as fast as I could. In my panic, I had forgotten that I could teleport. Oops?

When I reached the top of the hill, I saw an army of about three thousand monsters.

"This is their army? Wow," I said.

Then I saw who was leading them. My favorite monster. Good ole Beef Brain was standing in front of the monsters, bellowing and marching up the hill.

I got angry. I had killed this guy, what? 10 times now? I was getting really annoyed that he was still alive.

"Why won't you just stay dead?" I yelled at him.

"Deimos, can you please just blow up all these monsters like you usually do?" Wolf asked me.

"I kinda feel like fighting without my powers today, Wolfie," I told her.

Her expression darkened. "I told you not to call me that!!" She growled.

I grinned and ran down to the army and began to decimate their frontlines. I was a whirlwind of destruction, slashing, stabbing, and otherwise eliminating Gaea's forces.

Yup. This was my life now. And frankly, I enjoyed it very much.

Within minutes, the entire army was defeated and I walked back up to my friends who had been standing there the entire time just watching me. I looked over at Slaid, who was holding a stopwatch.

"2 minutes, 37.89 seconds," he declared. "That's a new record!"

I smirked at the jaw dropped campers.

"So he does this a lot?" Drew asked.

"Every time he decides to fight without powers, yes," Thunder said.

"What happens when he fights with his powers?" Drew pressed.

This time it was Skye that answered, "Then the entire enemy explodes in a wall of Greek fire, instantly returning to the depths of Tartarus."

If possible, the campers looked even more shocked. I just laughed art heir reactions. Then I turned to leave. I was about to walk off when I heard the one voice I wished I would never hear again.

"That's not so great! I could defeat more monsters than that in less time that him!!!" Drake, the devil spawn, declared.

"Oh really," I ask, amused.

"Yes! In fact, I challenge you to a duel. If I win, I get to be prince of the universe, not you," he said.

I laughed. "I agree to your terms. But if I win, you get to try to defeat 100 monsters in under a minute. Then we'll see who is really better," I say.

Drake smirked. "Prepare to be beat, loser. You look so weak. I doubt you could lift a teddy bear!" He said.

"We'll see," I said smirking. "Meet me in the arena in five minutes. If we are doing a duel, we're doing it my way."

Then I teleported myself to my room and quickly got ready.

In five minutes, I was at the arena. Drake was no where to be seen. Another 5 minutes later, he showed up. He probably thought he was fashionably late. Yeah right. When you're prince of the universe, you come on time.

"Drake! First rule of being a prince: be on time," I told him.

Drake just shrugged. "When I take your title, I'll change the rules to fit my likings."

I rolled my eyes.

"Chose your weapon. No powers. One weapon per person. Blood she'd is inevitable. Foul play is expected. Let's begin," I say, grinning as I watched his face pale drastically.

Drake grabbed a hunting knife. To make things fair, I opted for a 6 inch dagger. Drake laughed.

"What? To weak for a real man's weapon? Do you need a tiny little blade so you don't hurt yourself," he said.

"No. I'm trying to make things a bit more fair," I said.

Drake laughed again. "Of course you are."

"Enough talk. Let's fight," I said as I ran at him. I made myself look so horrible at fighting with my knife. Really, I was trying to make myself look so bad that Drake would think he had a chance only to be defeated in a fraction of a second in the end.

"You're terrible!" Drake exclaimed. "I bet the army died laughing at how sucky you are!"

I finally decided to drop the act. I faked a strike to his right then lunged and put my dagger at his throat. My knee was on his chest and my other hand was holding his hand down.

"I win," I told him. I got off of him and turned to leave. I heard a whistling in the air. I whipped around just in time to have a knife embed in my forehead.

"Ow," I mumbled. It really didn't hurt at all. After receiving Chaos's blessing, celestial bronze lost its ability to hurt me. I could only be harmed by chaotic silver.

I pulled the knife out of my head and threw it at the ground, burying or up to its hilt. I was angry, but I didn't really care.

"Can I please kill him?" I asked.

Silence. I took that as a yes.

I rushed at the boy and cut his miserable head off.

"There. He's dealt with," I stated.

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