18. His Story

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Warning: Mature



Violet never missed any of my shows whether it was in California or in another city. Despite her starting classes at UCLA, she always made sure she was there for me but we've already pushed back 15 minutes from starting the traditional huddle and she still wasn't here.

"Justin, we have to start. People are waiting." Scooter approaches me while I stood by the backstage door.

"She'll be here. 5 minutes please." I begged. Violet had an exam today but she promised she'd leave right after and be here. Just like she's been doing from the start.

"Honey, Violet will catch up. Let's go." When my mom calls, I couldn't argue. Giving up, I followed her to my crew who were already standing in a circle.

"Heavenly father, we thank-" Just as my mom had started the prayer, a commotion in the background stops her.

We all looked back where the noise came from, to find Violet picking up her scattered books on the floor.

"I'm so sorry! Please don't touch anything. I'll be right back!" She apologizes to the security staff she collided with before running towards us.

Everyone instantly adjusts their places so Violet could squeeze in. "I'm sorry guys. I'm here, I'm here."

"You made it baby." I whispered to Violet while my mom continued the prayer.

"Wouldn't miss this for the world." She kisses me on the cheek before we were interrupted by Scooter to pay attention to the circle.


Another successful concert had gone by and I rushed out of the stage to check up on Violet back in my dressing room. She was sprawled on the couch with a bunch of papers scattered around the coffee table.

Though she looked so peaceful to be woken up, I knew I needed to do the job since we had to catch the flight to Minnesota where I was going to do my next concert.

A huge 'F' circled around in red caught my attention as I cleaned up Violet's school papers on the table. My face instantly drops when I find some more papers and it had all the possible letters for a grade except for her usual 'A'.

I didn't know she was failing classes.

"Baby, we have to go." I slowly wake Violet up, still holding onto the papers.

She flutters her eyes open and instantly smiles when she sees me. "Sorry. I didn't finish your encore. I needed to do a paper due in 2 days."

"It's okay Vi. Speaking of, why didn't you tell me about this?" I show her the graded papers that I held.

She quickly snatches it away from me, burying it under the rest stack of other papers which I had cleaned up earlier. "It's nothing I can't handle. Don't worry."

Violet gets up and moves in to give me a kiss but I knew she was only doing it to distract me.

I turn my head the other way to avoid her. "Vi, you've never flunked class. Stop avoiding the topic."

"It'll only take a couple of classes and exams and I'll get my grades back up in no time."

Violet attempts to move in again but this time I get up from the couch and keep my distance.

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