Chapter 2

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I checked the clock, 5:30 p.m.  Finally, done with work! Thank God! I checked out of the store I was working at and began to walk to my car.
"Hey! Irene! Wait up!!" I heard a familiar voice shout from the distance. I glanced over my left shoulder to see my co-worker Taeil catching up to me. I've known Taeil ever since my high school years and fortunately, we pretty much became besties!
"C'mon slowpoke! I knew you used to run on the track team back in your Freshman year... but damn, you're slow now..." I said to him as he finally catches up.
"Well, here's this thing called "getting old" Irene... you're going to start experiencing some changes in your life once you hit a certain age. Watch!" He said panting a little after he spoke. "So, are you heading home?"
I nodded my head as I unlocked my car and got inside.
"Do you need a ride back to your house?" I asked as I rolled the windows down so he could hear me.
"Nah, I'm good. I'm going to stay a little while longer to clean up and close the store."

"Okay, but if you need anything..." Before I could finish my sentence, Taeil spoke for me instead.
"Let you know... yes... you say that all the time... I'm used to it now."
I giggled a bit and waved at him as I began to drive away and head back home.
But along the way, I decided to stop by a fast food place to pick up some dinner for me and Y/n. I knew she liked having a hamburger with some fries on Saturday evenings. It was her favorite! So, I picked some up and gave her a call as I was heading to my car.

"Hey Y/n... guess what?"
"What is it?" She sounded anxious but not in a bad way.
"I got some hamburgers and fries!!" I exclaimed hoping others won't think I'm crazy.
"Oh! Yes!! You know me so well sis!" Y/n said through the other line.
"So, what have you been doing this whole time?" I asked barley getting in my car and starting the engine.
"I'll wait until you come back so we can eat and talk together. I find that more fun than just sitting here on the couch doing absolutely nothing and just letting my mouth blabber away."
I chuckled a little when she said that.
"Alright, I'll be there in 5 minutes. Okay?"
"Okay, see ya sis!"
"See ya!"

After I ended the call, I began to drive to the apartment. It was getting a lot darker than before as the sun was already setting behind the horizon by the time I got back home.
"Hey, Y/n! I'm back!!"
Y/n came dashing out from her room with her cozy pajamas on and her hair was tied up in a neat high ponytail.
"Ooh!! Food!! Thanks Irene!" She said and gave me a nice warm hug.
"Anything for my sis!" I hugged her back and gave her a nice pleasant smile. "So, about today... what did you do this whole time?"
Y/n sat down and grabbed her food as she began to unwrap it.
"Well, I just cleaned up around here and studied for my exam coming up on Wednesday." She stated as I carefully listened to her speak also eating my food too.

"Okay, at least you had a decent day..." I said as I grabbed myself a napkin to wipe my face. "Today, we had several customers, it wasn't crazy at all. I was also chatting with Taeil too... and yep! That was it!" I finished saying as Y/n was nodding to my response tidying up her place as she devoured all of her food.
"Cool! That's cool, Sis. Oh and by the way, you have a package that came this morning, just to let you know." Y/n pointed out as she went to the door and grabbed the small box and placed it on the table right in front of me.

"Oh, yes! My jewelry came! I was waiting almost a month for these to get shipped here!" I stated excitedly not wasting anymore time with getting the package opened.
"So, you ordered jewelry? Online?" My confused friend asked as she watched me rip open the box.
"Yeah! I always order my things online, I don't like shopping in person... I just think it's too much."
"But at least you'll leave the store with your items on the same day..." Y/n pointed out again.
I turned my head to face her and blinked at her like several million times.
"I know Sis... I know..."

Y/n then left as she told me that she was going to get ready for the night. So she entered in her room leaving me alone trying on my rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

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