Chapter 4

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It was time! Closing down the store! Pretty much my favorite time of the day. After Irene leaves, I get to finally have some peace and quiet for once! That girl yaps too much, which is not a bad thing, I like it when she talks about her life and other interesting things, but sometimes it gets to the point where I would just like for her to shut her mouth and just work. And of course I won't tell that straight to her face since I don't want to hurt her feelings and potentially ruin our friendship...

Well, anyway, back to the point...

I closed and locked all the doors and made sure that the proper items were placed in their correct spots, and finally, shutting off the lights. But before I could turn them off, my phone decided to ring as I quickly pulled it out from my back pocket.
"Hmm... why is Yuta calling me at this time?" I asked myself as I gave off a shrug to answer the call.

"Hey Yuta, what's up?"
"Hey Taeil hyung... do you think you have time to talk?" The younger one asks.
"Uh... yeah. Just give me a second to close down the store and I'll talk to you soon okay?"
"Ok, I'll pull up by your place so we can talk in person, if you don't mind..."
"Sure, I don't mind at all! See you then bro!"
"Alright bye."

After I ended the call with Yuta, I quickly shut off the lights and locked the front door last. Then, I hopped in my car and drove off to meet Yuta at my place.
"I wonder what he needed to talk about... I hope it's not an emergency..." I said to myself as I quietly thought about what the younger one wanted to tell me as I drove myself to meet up with him.


I checked my watch... 6:25 p.m. he should be just around the corner...
I waited outside his house since, of course I don't have a key... wondering when he'll give one to me... and watched some cars passing along the silent street until I see a familiar car pull up at the driveway.
I waited to see who was there just in case if it was Taeil who was driving, and sure enough, it was!
He got out and locked his car and began to walk up to me.

"How long have you been waiting?" The older one asks grabbing his keys to unlock his door.
"Not long, probably about 5 minutes..." I responded. "So... when are you going to give me a key? Do you trust me to enter your house anytime I want? I mean... we're best friends so..." I shot Taeil a begging type of look as he enters through the doorway.
"Is that the reason why you wanted to talk? And sure, I'll get a spare one pretty soon."
"Well, no that's not the main reason why I came here... but anyway thanks!" I stated following behind and closing the door right after.
"Then what is it that you want to talk about?"

Sitting on the couch, I sighed and started off the conversation...

"Do you know Irene's friend, Y/n?" I asked hoping Taeil would know who I'm talking about.
"Yes... I do know her, but I'm just not that close to her as I am with Irene. What is it about her, Yuta?" Taeil asks getting into the conversation as he wanted me to pour out every single detail.
"If I tell you that I'm kinda crushing on her... would you believe me?" I asked while Taeil had his jaw dropped at the moment.
"Wait! You're crushing on Y/n?" His voice was getting higher as he couldn't believe what he heard from me.
"Since when did you start liking her?"

Rubbing the back of my neck, I answered, "I just found out today... I don't know why though, but she was just so cute... she was all sleepy and kinda annoyed with me since I was pretty much bothering her for the whole day..."
Taeil gave out a laugh and patted my back.
"I'll be supporting you bro. Would you want me to tell Irene, or let her figure it out herself?"
I thought about it for a while.
"You can tell her, but I want Y/n to be the one who has to figure it out herself."
"Oooohhh...." Taeil said and playfully punched my arm. "You got it!"

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