Chapter 13: No Less

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December 28th, 1882
{Christine's P.O.V}

Nadir, Erik & I spent our meal creating carefree chatter. It was wonderful but I kept feeling my eyes drifting to the clock, awaiting my passionate night with my husband. Around seven o'clock at night, Nadir finally left.

"Thank you so much for everything, my friend." Erik tells him as we escort him out the door.

"Thank you both. I will see you soon, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Erik & I say in usion.

As soon as the door is shut, Erik says, "There's somewhere I'd like for us to go, if that is alright with you."

"Where?" I ask curiously.

"It's a surprise. Now go pack a suitcase." he says with a smile, as he begins to clean up our dining table.

I kiss his cheek & then practically run into our bedroom to pack. I quickly pack a few leisure dresses & such & throw in all the lingerie pieces I purchased. I then change into a thin black dress & reapply my red lip paint.

Just as I was closing my suitcase, Erik walked in. "Are we ready?"

"Yes, most definitely!" I say as he comes over to get my suitcase.

He looks down at me. "You look beautiful, Christine."

I blush. "Thank you, my love."

He then brings us outside & flags us down a coach. I wait inside the carriage while he speaks to the driver.

After about two minutes he joins me inside the carriage.

"Are you warm enough, my love?" he asks me immediently.

I chuckle. "Actually, ange I am a bit chilly."

He quickly begins to take off his jacket. "No, Erik." I say, laughing. He looks at me crossly. "That was simply an excuse to get you to embrace me."

"O-oh." he says, sliding over to me & enveloping me in his warm arms.

"Much better." I murmur, leaning back into his body.

I see us getting further away from the town square & entering the less-crowded outskirts of the English town.

"Alright, now I want you to close your eyes, Christine. Don't open them until I instruct you to."

"Alright." I say, closing my eyes. He still holds me in his arms, occasionally leaving a kiss on my head.

Then I feel the carriage come to a stop. "Don't open your eyes yet. I will help you out of the carriage. Do not worry."

"Alright, Erik."

He opens the coach door & pulls my hood closer around my face & kisses my nose. I giggle. I then hear Erik climb down the steps. Then he picks me up & takes me out of the carriage & places me on the ground.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" I ask.

"No!" he says.

He thanks the driver & gets our suitcases. He then guides me into a door of a comfortingly warm building.

I hear him set down our luggage & take off my cloak. "Alright now open your eyes."

I do as he says & gasp as I take in what is before me. "What is this place?" I whisper in awe.

"This is our new home."

I gasp once more. "Oh, Erik! It's perfect!" I exclaim, leaping into his arms. I kiss him over & over again.

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