Sometimes I Run

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-"Luc can you please get him"-Gaga begged. It was 3am and their baby boy was awake and crying for the fifth time tonight, -"I'm tired Stef...",-"Luc...please just help me once"-but the man pretenddd to be asleep. Gaga sighed deeply and held the 6month old baby in her arms, -"Hello beautiful. Hello my Luca, whats up? You hungry?..."-Gaga looked over at Luc, -"Well Daddy wont be making you a bottle any time soon!" She chuckled, a bit sad; she and her son made their way to the kitxhen as Gaga heated some of the breast milk she had saved in the fridge, -"Yum yums time baby boy"-she smiled, feeding her son. Soon she felt the bottle slipping from her hand and into Lucas sweet little onesie, -"Shit"-she mumbled, rubbing her eyes, -"Are you done sweetie? Lets make you burp a little so you can go back to sleepies and let mommy rest anbit too", Gaga padded the babys back until he was done, -"Good, now lets check your diaper...."-she peeked in, -"No, youre good to go!", she made her way to the bedroom again and put the boy in the crib, covering him up with a blanket, -"Sleep baby boy, love you so much"-and kissed his forehead.
Luca started crying again at about 7am; and Gaga opened her tired eyes, -"Luc please. Please get him"she begged, Luc sighed deeply, coming out of the bathroom while rinsing his mouth from toothpaste, -"I will..."-he said, grabing the baby from the crib, -"Whats up champ? Good morning! Lets go out so mommy can get some extfa sleep!", -"Thank you"-she wjispered, falljng asleep almost immediately.
♡Minutes later♡
-"Stef...."-Gaga opened her eyes again, -"I fed him and burped him and changed him, I gotta go for a run, take him"-Gaga took her son and put him beside her on ghe bed surrounding him with pillows so he wouldnt roll and fall off, -"Alright, be careful, love you" -"Love you too".
Love. You. Too. Not even Gaga believed that lie. If he loved her so much why would he come home at 6am drunk and high and slap her when she spoke up? Why did she kept cleaning blood off her lip because Luc's hand hit her a bit too hard. Why did she even allow herself to sink so low? One answer: Luca. Luca was her everything, and she kind of wanted him to have a normal nuclead family. But there was nothing normal about domestic abuse.

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