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~Author ~


at the Yulsong High School School Gate
There stood 4 girls who were confused because sinb didn't call them yet.

Sowon Pov
Me and my three friends were confused and worried at the same time. Confused because Sinb hasn't told location and worried about Yuju's condition.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps approaching me. I looked up to see whose shoes it was. Wkwk

"You don't have to be afraid" said jin

"What is he going to do again?" umji whispered Eunha

"Maybe he wanna distrub us again''

"Yeah, it's dangerous" Umjie added

"Let's just wait, Sinb  will tell us then we will take a bus" Yerin said Umji and Eunha  whispered

"Why are you whispering" I scolded

"No, unnie, let's just take a bus, Eunbi said she was at Permata Hospital" said Eunha

"Yeah, just texted Yerin Unnie" umji added

"It's better to just come with me, it's faster" said the Jin

"You don't have to, thank you, Jin," I politely refused

"Come on!!" Pull my hand forcibly
That confused my three sisters .

"Why are you dumbfounded, come on, follow me" said Jin squealed

Finally my three friends followed me

Jin Pov
From a distance I always watch Sowon. She's beautiful especially when she smiles.

I was restless and worried and finally I had the courage to approach her with my own initiative.

"I'll send!!" I said
She look shocked and confused
Finally I forced her.  Actually I heard whispers between Eunha and Umji. But I pretended not to hear.


Jin Car
Eunha Pov
I'm in the back seat with Unnie. And Yerin Unnie and Umji is with Suga and Rapmon.

I saw a strange situation, I saw that Jin was smiling to himself. Crazy.

The atmosphere here is like a grave. Until finally a sweet voice appears

"who hit Yuju?" he asked breaking the silence

"I don't know, because I didn't see the person earlier" I answered

"Ouh, how come you're not angry with that person?" asked Jimin curiously

"Why be angry with rich people later, in fact, the business will be so long" I said resigned

"But you're great, you're really good" he praised

"I...y....a" I suddenly said nervously

Why are you so nervous, unnie please help me

Jimin Pov
If you look at Eunha, she's really cute.
How come I'm thinking about her

Author pov
The silence between jin and SOwon, only the dominant voice of Eunha  and jimin chatting.

In Rapmon's Car
"Umjie..." Rapmon and Suga said at the same time

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