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Author Pov

Years Later
A girl enters the hotel's ballroom and her high heels are 5 cm. With her graceful style she steps towards two people who are about to get married.

"Congratulations on finally getting married" said the girl.

Eunha Pov
After pursuing my dream. I want to be a designer. After graduating from Yulsong High School I continued my studies in France. And I have opened my own shop there.

After a long time about 1 year ago, I finally stepped in my homeland.
I entered the hotel ballroom to attend the wedding of my best friend Yerin and Taehyung.

Regarding my relationship with Jimin, we are not married. But we got engaged 3 years ago.

"Congratulations, on finally getting married " I said

"As soon as possible, if Chimchim proposes to me" I told them

"I want to go there first, hang out with the others" I said goodbye

I join my friends, and I also saw my lover Jimin.

"Why didn't you come pick me up?" I said giggling

"Baby, you've come, didn't you come with my mother" he said

"Your mother isn't feeling well so she's not coming" I said

"Ooh I'm sorry baby" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

"ok" I said briefly

"Eunha, you're just getting more beautiful"Sinb said

"That's right, you're getting more sexy, but my. .." said Jungkook

"So, I'm not sexy " said Yuju

"Not dear," said Jungkook begging for forgiveness and actually he was to say ''my wife is the sexiest''

"Remember the wife who is still pregnant," said Rapmon

"stop flirting with someone " Jin said

"So be loyal, don't get hurt" said Suga warning

Yuju and Jungkook got married 1 year ago and now Yuju is 3 months pregnant.

They are noisy because of Jungkook's actions.
Suddenly a boy who was 4 years old and came.

"Mommy," said the girl hugging Sinb's leg

"What's wrong honey, where's Daddy?" Sinb asked.

"there'' he pointed at Jhope

"DEAR ...." Sinb shouted making the hotel guest turn towards her.

Sinb Pov
I was chatting with my friends. Suddenly my son Ho Sin came. I also wondered where my husband Jhope was. I got married 6 years ago when I just graduated the same, Just a few months ago I was immediately proposed without dating though I was at that time 19 years old.

When I heard Ho sin's narrative I was angry.

"DARLING ..." I shouted
I also came to him with Ho sin I left to Umji and Suga.

"Basic eyes, tonight you sleep outside with the security guard" I said.

"Honey, don't be like that, later I'll be bitten by a mosquito and I'm not handsome anymore, please"

"So stupid, you go home by motorcycle taxi, my car brings Sam Ho sin" I said as I went to lift it

Suga Pov
I'm being stupid, so I know that you already have a wife and children are still roaming around.
Umji and I were playing with Ho Sin with Ho sin in my arms.

"Baby, want to have a baby" I offered to Umji .

"I really want to," she said

"Let's get married," I said

"Oh, it's not really romantic," she said annoyed

"Ho sin, want to be grandpa?" I asked Ho sin

''i want uncle" the answer is cute

"Ho sin just wants to have a grandpa" I teased Umji

"yea ..."

Sowon Pov
I saw happiness in the eyes of my friends. After Yerin and Tae got married I felt guilty for delaying mine and Jin's marriage. Because I wanted to be a model. And I also felt guilty to Suga because Umji hasn't accepted his proposal.

Because they want to see me, Umhee and Yerin as unnie got married first. Um Hee and Rapmon are married and have a 2 year old daughter. I'm the only one standing in the way for Umji and Suga.

"Don't cry, we will also get married, so don't be jealous" said Jin

"I feel sorry for Suga oppa," I said sadly

"That's why we have to get married quickly" he said giving advice

"Okay, then quickly propose to me" I said with a smile

"Definitely..." The answer is Great

"I didn't think that Sinb and J-Hope were the ones who got married first," said Jin

"Destiny is unpredictable" I said

Author Pov
The excitement of the bts and gfriend occurred at Yerin and Tae's wedding party.

Yerin Pov
Oh my gosh, why do they have to be noisy at my wedding.

"Honey, look at them ruining our wedding" I said annoyed

"They're basic, instead of taking care of them, let's go to the room" Tae teased

"There are still a lot of guests, honey," I said

"What a fool, come on" While pulling my hand away from the balcony

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