Green light

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Yuju Pov
After school I was invited to go home with Jungkook. And we exchanged phone numbers.

Actually, I feel sorry for Sinb too. I want to leave it because the others are going home with their respective partners. I'm the only one who's single and Sinb is the only one.

Why do I know, earlier on our second break we gathered at the park and told that Eunha and Yerin were shot by their boyfriend. And Umji, who is in the same school, already knows.

"Yuju, please cancel the promise with Jungkook'' she whined

"I can't sinb, it's already been a while he's also coming" I said rejecting it

"Yeah, how am I going to get home," she said again, holding my hand

"Take a bus or taxi" I said

"I'm not sensitive, I mean I'm alone" Said annoyed

Suddenly Jungkook's car came.

"Let's go !" he said

"Sinb, be careful on the road, sorry I can't be with you" I said uncomfortable

"Yuju...!!!" she shouted

In Jungkook's car
"Why did Sinb come home alone?" he asked breaking the silence

"Because the others came home with their boyfriend" I said

"Boyfriend ?" he asks again

"Yeah with boyfriend" I said again

"That means we're dating, right, you're with me" he teases me.

Jungkook Pov
It's cute when you're salting like this, Yuju.

“Eehem.” I broke the silence of this atmosphere

"Uh yeah. ." she asks nervously

"Would you like to stop by my house first, because my mother told me bought martabak at the crossroads" I said.

"Yeah it's okay" she replied nervously

After buying martabak I went home. After arriving at my house. I invited Yuju into the house.

"Just come in, I want to park the car first" I said breaking her daydream

"Uh yeah" she answered nervously

Yuju Pov
Crazy, the house is really big. I went inside. Even the door was opened by the waiter there.

"Who are you?" The voice of a middle-aged man startled me
"I... Jungkook friend" I answered nervously

"Ouh, are you sure it's just a friend?" he asked again


"Ouh yes, sit down first so don't hesitate" He said kindly

"Yes," I said briefly

"What's your name?" asked Jungkook's father

"Yuju,uncle" I answer

"This is the first time, he invites a girl to the house" he explained

"Really" I ask

"Yes, yes he is playboy but never brought a girl home" He said

When I was talking to his father,Jungkook came with his mother.

"This is the girl after all," said his mother who was already sitting next to Jungkook's father

"Jungkook, this is the girl you often talk to mom about? " Jungkook's mother asks

"Mom..." Jungkook is a bit annoyed

They talked until it was not too late.

"Uncle and Aunty,i will go home now" i said ending our conversation

"Ouh yes, take good care, yuju ya" said Jungkook's mother

I didn't think that Junhkook's parents were as good as I imagined.
They didn't even bother about my family's condition.

"I'll excuse myself than, uncle and aunty" I said while shaking his parents hand

"Don't uncle, auntie, just call mom and dad, okay?" Jungkook's mother said

"I'll say goodbye first, omg, I mean, mom" I said awkwardly

"Be careful, okay?" Jungkook's father ordered

After that I was escorted by Jungkook and we chatted intimately on the way.

Sinb pov
The next day after recess. I go to find Yuju, because I'm still upset about what happened yesterday and this morning the four friends went to school and were picked up by their boyfriend. Dam Yuju was with Jungkook.

When I was on my way to Yuju's class. I saw Jhope and Tae together flirting with the girls who passed by.

"Tskkk, you playboy" I said talking to myself while walking

"Hey beautiful girl, what's the number please" Tae teased when I passed

"Number? Shoe number? You want to buy me shoes"i said bitchy while glaring at Tae

"Wow, this is really fierce Sinb" said Tae

"You want me to report it to Yerin Unnie" I said threateningly

"Eh,, please don't, please don't" Tae said

"Oh no," I answered simply

"I'll give you Jhope's number later," he continued

"Why are you bribing me using his cellphone number again" I said pointing at Jhope

"Sinb don't be like that, you'll like me later" said Jhope confidently

"You are very confident, I don't want the eyes of the playboy that are stuck here and there" I said

"So you're jealous of the girls" He said proudly


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