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Rapmon Pov
Oh my gosh, this kid just came and punching people to make me consider my own brother. When I heard Suga's story, I laughed out loud after I swore.

"Hahahaha...." I'm still laughing after swearing

The situation is tense like this, me and Jin are actually laughing. Everyone looks at us both surprised, weird, funny, etc. like that.

"Eh polar bear, hurry up and shoot Umji all, later on, Rapmon will know the taste" said jin giving advice while giggling

"Yes, when the situation is free i wants an application" I laughed

"Hurry, I'll explain later," said jin

"I don't like Umji, just calm down" I said casually

"Isn't it..." said Suga in shock

"That's why being a person, don't easily believe what we see before we know the truth" Jin explains

"Don't just  punch" said Rapmon

"What do you mean by this?" umji Asks still confused by the situation

I came to Suga and whispered.

"Quickly shoot, the moment is right" I said then walked away from Suga

Suga pov
I'm still confused about this situation. But when I heard Jin hyung's words, it seemed that I had misunderstood. Luckily, Umji doesn't care about the site.

I also ventured to squat in front of Umji to shoot as suggested by Rapmon Hyung.

"Umji, from the first time I saw you smile at me I started to like you" I said seriously while looking at Umji seriously

"When did I do it" umji thought

"Ouch, it's already romantic" Jin complained behind Suga

"You're the first woman to melt my frozen heart" I said romantically

All the hysterical women heard me talk like that, it's a rare thing.

"What do you mean by melting your heart?" she asks confused

"Yeah, sorry, my sister-in-law is really slow," said Rapmon hyung

"Alright, let's get straight to the point," Jin hyung said

"Will you be my girlfriend" I said directly

"Huh" she said surprised

I reached into my trouser pocket and gave her a candy (which looks like our milk candy hehe the author doesn't know what it's called) which he always eats.

"This is a sign of my love for you, even though it's not much but this candy always accompanies me every day" I said while handing the candy

she takes the candy.

"Yes, oppa I want" she said shyly

"You want to be my girlfriend?" i asked reassuringly

"Yes oppa" she said and her cheeks turned red and I hugged her.

All the disciples hysterically saw this Moment a rare and rare thing.

"Suga!!! Why are you here" said Mrs. Yooan fiercely

All the students disappear and after being expelled by Mrs. Yooan. I was also told to go to the office for making a fuss at this school.

"We'll come home from school together, baby," I said, smiling sweetly at my girlfriend, then I followed Mrs. Yooan.

Sinb Pov
I was studying, but I was disturbed because of the noise from the basketball court from my class on the 2nd floor. I saw the incident earlier that Suga shot Umji romantically in the crowd.

Oops, when did I think?
Why the hell, Jhope is not sensitive. I think so, forget about it

Jungkook Pov

When I lost to Suga. Which turned out to be romantic, shot a girl. Does Yuju want me, who is this playboy. Does Yuju like me? I thought

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