Chapter 1

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"Kipo, are you ready for your first day at school?" Lio stood just behind Kipo.

The young girl slowly nodded biting her bottom lip. Kipo's heart raced at the thought of going to school. She loves school and people, but after what happened two months ago the girl can't get it out of her mind. The way her classmates looked at her when she walked past. The fear and judgment in their eyes.

It was also that day she learned about what her parents did. How she was conceived. least to say she was thrilled when she heard that she was a genetic fantasy. Her parents gave her a notebook that has every detail about the experiments. She likes to read it before bed. She even learned how to control it. At least when she's at home, but sometimes her emotions get the better of her.

"Yeah," Kipo said training her eyes on her father. The man softly smiled at her and then brought the girl into a hug.

"It's okay to be nervous, just remember to breathe," Lio said kissing the top of her head.

Kipo smiled and looked up at her father. He let go of her as she grabbed a blue bookbag with pink lining. The pair went out of the house and climbed into the car. Going down to the school. Because of the disaster at her last school she was given a lot of restrictions, and rules. She's lucky she got in at all.

Lio pulled into the school's parking lot and they got out of the car. The two walked up to the front door through the crowd of students and made their way to the main office.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A woman walked up to the pair.

"Hi. My daughter is new here," Lio said.

The woman looked over to the girl with a notch in her brow. Studying the girl then turned to grab a phone. She waited a second then spoke.

"The new student is here," she said with a tone of judgment in her voice.

She hung up the phone and then silently went back to work. The pair stood for a second, then an off door was open. Another woman walked out with a bright smile. She took Lio's hand in a gentle shake.

"Nice to see you again Mr. Oak, I can't wait to have your daughter in our school," She said politely. She didn't mean it, not entirely.

This was the only school in a 4-mile radius to accept her. Even then they put a bunch of limitations on her. Kipo knows why they did. Her father is a teacher at this school. He was able to sweet talk and convinced the principal that she'd be on her best behavior with him there.

Kipo knew the accident at her old school would follow her for the rest of her life. She was prepared to be rejected from every college and work as a fast-food worker forever.

"It's nice to be here," Kipo said with a bright smile lightly straightening her back.

"Well you're father and I have to have a conversation. You should get to class before school starts," the woman said with a smile.

Kipo left the office after hugging her father. She had been here multiple times before. Her parents needed to have a meeting with the principal about the conditions, and restrictions of her going to this school.

During that time she met all of her teachers and learned where her classes are. She also learned the names of the three people who are gonna be watching over her for the first few weeks. The principal said that the limitations and following will slowly be reduced if she follows the rules and doesn't act out.

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