Chapter 1

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< > - thinking/ only in third person point of view



point of view-3


You could see a teenager walking in what looks to be a city, people walking by said teenager but he seemed to not care. He had an Adidas backpack, wearing some Bluetooth headphones that had some very loud music playing. After a few seconds of walking, he finally stopped, it seems the light to cross the road was red so he had to wait as well as the people around him.

This teenager was none other than Bryan bobos, Bryan was abandoned in an orphanage. He was raised in that same orphanage the rest of his life, not knowing why he was abandoned. Fortunately, he was able to meet the women he would consider his mother. Her name was Sarah bobos she was a rather mature woman who was about 45 when she decided to adopt Bryan.

The reason she decided to adopt a child aka Bryan was that she was never able to have kids and not only that her husband died just a year before adopting Bryan. She wanted someone to be around with, someone who could fill up the loneliness in her heart, so she decided to adopt Bryan.

At first, it was awkward between them but the more they spend together the more they got attached and later on became a family. Now 12 years later, he is 18 years old, lives in his dorm, and still remembers the great times with his deceased mother.

<sighhhhhh, I'm so tired of school, thank god it's about to be summer vacation, I finished all my homework already so I might as well finish high school DXD for the 4th time...the anime of course I rather not bother reading the manga or the light novel I'm too lazy for that shit>

Bryan and his mother watched anime all the time together, it was kinda like their family hobby, that's how he got attached to it. Bryan always wanted to live a thrilling life of excitement and fear the adrenaline of fighting to the death was a pleasure to him.

Let me ask you a question if you got an offer to go to an anime world you choose the one with the least chance of dying right? Well, Bryan would choose the opposite.

Bryan favorite anime was DXD and not for the reasons you think, the reason his favorite anime is DXD is not because of the girls, not because of the mc and neither because of the fights...well maybe but no, but the reason his favorite anime was DXD was because of the opportunities it would bring, the number of gods to fight, everything in that world is a fucking powerhouse.

Well ignoring Bryan's life as well as his dislikes and likes, while Bryan was thinking about what to eat once he gets home, he noticed a little boy playing with a ball, bouncing it up and down, almost at the edge of the sidewalk, but something felt weird to him about the boy, it was to put it simply a gut feeling.

The world around him felt like it was slowing down, the more he watch the ball bounce the more his body told him to do something but he didn't, then it happened, the ball hit the edge of the sidewalk going into the middle of the street were dozens of cars...wait there wasn't a single car?

The boy after seeing the ball for a few seconds go into the street, decided to run towards the ball like any child would do not knowing the consequences, Bryan bobos saw this happen all happen and only had one thought on his head...<where are his parents?>

Like seriously where the fuck are this kid's parents at? Bryan saw the kid run towards the middle of the street trying to catch the ball but he noticed that just when the ball stopped and the kid was a few inches about to grab it, a car was coming at high speeds out of nowhere down the street.

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