Chapter 9

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Point of view-3 |Narrator|

"well, well, well, I didn't know you had some friends"  A woman said while walking towards Rin and the monster, she wore skin-tight clothes and had a rather interesting weapon. Behind her were a few men covered in black clothes, there were 13 of them.

Rin stared at her without saying anything while the monster just scowled while staring at her, he now thought that this young boy aka Rin is going to get murdered because of him

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Rin stared at her without saying anything while the monster just scowled while staring at her, he now thought that this young boy aka Rin is going to get murdered because of him.

He didn't like devils but, seeing a young kid get killed of any species isn't something he wants to happen. 

"Violet, please let the kid go he has nothing to do with this" The monster pleaded, the woman who we now know is named violet stopped walking, the others following her command, it seems she was the leader of them.

"hmmm? Well, it's true that he has nothing to do with this...butt he has come into communication with us so-" While Violet was talking Rin couldn't help but get angry at the fact she was acting all cocky in this situation, he knew that in her eyes he was nothing more than a bug she could easily kill, so he had to change that. He interrupted her by saying something himself. 

 Rin took a deep breath and let out a big sigh, completely interrupting Violet, everyone was now staring at him, everyone's eyes widen when white armored boots appeared, the lackeys behind Violet prepared for battle while she frowned looking at Rin.

"You know, for a cheap whore to be talking this much is quite the surprised, I was guessing girls like you would be on their knees already"  All the lackeys behind Violet couldn't see her expression but what they could see and sense was the immense amount of bloodlust that was leaving her body.

The monster's eyes widen and stared at Rin in disbelief,  the monster's eyes change to see Violet point her weapons toward Rin.

With a big frown, while letting out a monstrous amount of bloodlust, she said "Kill him" 

All of the lackeys immediately ran towards Rin but before they could reach him, a magic circle appeared right below them, they all looked down to see the light of the circle before completely being enveloped in lightning.

All of the lackeys immediately ran towards Rin but before they could reach him, a magic circle appeared right below them, they all looked down to see the light of the circle before completely being enveloped in lightning

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