The funeral

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Today was the day of Aurora funeral, Harry looked at himself in the mirror he was wearing a suit, but he's eyes were red and puffy he had missed Aurora oh how he wished he could talk to her again he would do you anything, for her to give him another pep talk about how he will get through it, for to have one of her hugs again he missed his big sister. There was a knock at his door.

"Harry, it is time"said Hermione


And it all felt like a dream no not a dream a nightmare. That he would never wake up from there was no light and no return. He's Blondie gone, never to come back he longed to hear her laugh for one more time.

Lee: He was a fish out of water. He didn't know what to do with himself Aurora was gone. His best friend, she knew all he's secrets she swore to keep them all to her grave and that's what she did. She always knew when to crack a joke when he was sad or just listen but now she was gone.

George:The person he went to for everything was gone.She was hes sister no matter what, he though that they would grow up together from when they graduated Hogwarts to when they would send their kids to Hogwarts, was by far been the hardest thing he's ever gone through.

Ginny: Her soul was crushed,her soulmate gone, her big sister, oh how she missed her or when she braided her hair when they made bracelets. She came home for the funeral and she found one of them on her desk. She picked it up and didn't stop crying for The rest of the night.

Hermione: It was unreal the girl who she looked up to sense she was 11 was gone. The person who helped her study or if she just needed to talk to someone was gone she may have been the brightest witch of her age but this was something she could not get her head around.

Ron: He didn't know what to do,without Aurora it was like a member of the family was missing, there was no more laughing, just tears.

Narrator's perspective:

"We are gathered here today for the life of Aurora potter. A kind soul taken from us too soon I believe we have peaches from family members". Fred walked up first

"Um, I am Fred Wesley if you didn't know and Aurora was a very special person to me she always found a way to make me laugh even if she's not here" like when we cleaned out her dorm and we found secret stash of chocolates a label saying to not open especially Fred and George, even if she isn't here on this earth with us, she will always be here. quoting Aurora herself "you're stuck with me, loser, get used to it'' there was laughs among the crowd" I miss everything about her even her sarcastic remarks but I would never tell her that not now and not in the afterlife" there was more laughs "she may have been taken too soon but her stories are forever."I love you Blondie for now and always. Harry was next.

He cleared throat "I never thought I see the day where my big sister is no longer here of course I was scared of it but Aurora would always tell me "oh shut up you're stuck with me and give me a hug" how I wished I could have one of her hugs again, she was always there for me when I need her and these days have felt like a longer, I just wish she come back, I miss her with everything in me, I just want my big sister back "tears were going down his face" I'm sorry I can't do this" he ran right back to the house with Ron and Hermione following him.

Meanwhile back in heaven

"Is there a library here"Said Aurora

"Yes there is,filled with all the books you can imagine "said Lily

"Can we go,please" this made Lily's face light up

"we can go now"come on James"

"Errr ,why would I have to go"

"You sound just like Fred "this got James attention very fast

"Whos this Fred "

"oh um he was my boyfriend"

"Boyfriend! no boys! they have cooties"

"your a boy"

"I am a exception"

Oh come on said Lily

When they arrive at the library Aurora searches for a certain book. Last night she remembered certain book,she felt when she forgot to name of the person in a certain movie but then you remember late in the night and it finally clicks is how this made her feel" she scrambled around looking for it and boom there it was but looks a lot newer, less old then the other one.

"What do you want for the book called death "said lily

"you'll see" she said and scramble to that very page were she sat with Hermione in the library

"I've got an idea, call Dorcas, Marlene and Regulus.I think it's time we all got home."

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