Game night

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"Hey what you say we play a board game" said lily

"No, I am good" said Harry

"Why it will be fun "said James

"You clearly never played a board game with Aurora "said Harry

"Like talking uncle moony chocolate", James and lily eyes winding and look at each other

"I am sure she can't be as bad as James" said lily

"Oh she is-"

"Talking about me "said Aurora walking in

"Yes" said Harry

"Okay" said Aurora

"We think we should have a family game night "a smirk went on her face

"Really" said Aurora

"Yes" said lily happily "James get a board game, dear"


It was 1 am and Aurora James were on there 4 board game and lily and Harry had went to sleep

"Ready to lose old men"

James gasped "Who you calling old"


Are you two still playing! Said Lily "IT'S ONE AM BOTH YOU BED NOW"! There were mix's of talking


Come onnnnn Flower we be done soon"



"This is not over"

"Good I still need to win old man"

"I am not old!"


"Hello "said Molly

"Molly"said lily "great to see you"

"You too"

" lovely to have you guys I will show you, your rooms" said Dorcas

"Molly my favourite cook" said Marlene said put a hand around Dorcas

"Aw your to kind"

"Ron!Hermione" said Harry

"Freddie"! Aurora said give him a hug with him giving her a kiss on the top of her head

"Err what are chopped liver "said George pointing at him and Ginny

"I missed you guys too" she give them a hug

"I so happy your not dead" said Ginny

"Yeah" George agreed "6 feet under Aurora was no fun"

"Let's not talk about that "said Fred. He put a Hand around her waist, then James walked and gave Fred a deathly look, making him take his hand off her.

"Aurora can you help in the kitchen "said James

"Um sure"


Dinner time

There was talking,jokes and all were having a good time when

"It our hogwarts letters "said Ron

"Well no-said Fred but remember there were adults here and adults he wanted to impress

"I am perfect" said Hermione

"I knew you would be Moine "said Aurora

"So am I"said Ron

That's gr- but Aurora was cut off

"What" said Hermione

"I am perfect" said Ron

"Are you sure" said Ginny


"Oh that's wonderful" said Molly" that's everyone in the family"

"Me and George were not prefects said "Fred Aurora could see the pain in his eyes

"Well some had to be the troublemakers "she said and give them a smile "I mean what's the Weasley's without the Weasley twins"

They both give her a happy smile

When she opened her letter pin fell out

"what's that' said Regulus and Sirius

Her eyes winded" I-I am head girl"

She looked at everyone

"This is great. Can you imagine all the things we can do now!" Said George getting a look from Molly "good things mother don't worry "

"GOOD JOB" said lily giving her a bone crushing hug

"You owe me 5 gallons" said Remus to Sirius

She looked at Fred who gave her a wink

"That's my girl" he whispered

"Congratulations" said Dorcas

"Yea, now you great your own room" said Marlene

"How you and your father were both Head of the house amazes me" said Regulus

"Hey!i'm very responsible" James protestant

Happy Halloween 🎃 be safe!!

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