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(Accelerated World)[World's End Stage]

The two black kings are staring at one another, Akuin glaring with hatred and wrath as Kuroyukihime stood her ground unfazed by his demeanor.

"You understand what this means now, don't you?" Kuroyukihime asked, "I don't care!" Akuin said "I'll show you who's the pathetic one. I'll show the whole accelerated world WHO THE FUCK THEIR MESSING WITH!"

Akuin took hold of his blade before conjuring his doppelganger and flanking both of Hime's sides. Akuin and his clone slashed at Hime's side simultaneously which she dodged gracefully before being met by Akuin who is above her as he sends down a rain of blades down at her taking minimal damage

Black Lotus - 97%

But this gave Akuin enough time to charge at Hime and swing the momentum to his favor. Dealing out fast and heavy strikes, as Hime deflects or dodges his attacks until she forces Akuin in a sword lock causing him to use the first phase of Way of the Forbidden Blade to force her back.

"You are dead set on proving yourself aren't you?" Hime wondered angering Akun further "Shut up!" He exclaimed before his doppelganger jumped over him and sent out his first phase of Way of the Forbidden Blade

"Death by Piercing!" Hime casts as she crossed her swords/arms on one another as her right blade began glowing a purple hue. Once it was fully charged, she shot forward from her position, not giving Akuin enough time to dodge her attack as he was pierced through his left shoulder

Onyx Ripper - 86%

"Argh! Sonova-" Akuin gasped, he flips his sword and holds it invertedly before using the second phase of Way of the Forbidden Blade as his doppelganger dashed further in front of him and used the second phase of his skill. Dealing double the damage

Black Lotus - 63%

Hime was forced back by the attack, but before she could get a chance to recover Akuin used one of his dashes from Swift Strike before using the third phase of Way of the Forbidden Blade with his doppelganger as they follow it up with Bermuda Triangle before using the final dash of Swift Strike as the after image catches up to them as it dealt bonus damage to her

Black Lotus - 32%

"You have me at the edge for a second" Hime admitted as she floats up and regained her composure "That should've been enough to defeat you" Akuin stated, he turned around and noticed that her Duel Avatar's accents glowed a green hue "I manage to switch modes before you began your surefire combo," She said "That gives me enough to completely fill my Special move gauge"

Kuroyukihime's Special Move Gauge then depleted immediately signifying she's about to unleash her special move but she took a different stance to do any of her normal special moves "Be grateful, I'm about to show you a special ability that I rarely use against other burst linkers" Hime declared "It's also a move taught to me by my Guardian"

Her blades then began glowing once more as Akuin felt it similar to how Admiral Disruptor's estoc glowed. As if they're about to cast a similar skill.

'Damnit! Am I just gonna accept defeat like this?!' Akuin thought 'To not be able to redeem myself and lose, against her no less' Hime's ability is about to be fully charged signified by her blades glowing brighter as she widens her stance 'Come on, think Akuin, think!'

Glimpses of dark images began popping up in his head, the same dark red void with one figure somewhat visible, showing his toothy grin, mischievous yellow eyes, and maniacal laughter. It was his other-self. Feeling his body move on its own, he gripped his blade one more time before swiftly stabbing himself through his chest, his Special Move Gauge, which was full due to his attack, depleted along with 50% of his health bar. 

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