Aviation and Reinvention

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'This wasn't supposed to happen'


"Watch out!"

I reached Kuroyukihime and Haru before the car nearly hit them.

Flashback end

"What happened?" The doctor frantically said while a beeping noise is heard in the background "Male student hit by a car running 38 mph" A nurse said "vertabrae has been misalligned, posible damage to the spinal cord and internally bleeding" He listed

'But then I saw her moved faster than any human can posibly do'


I saw kuroyukihime pushed Haru away in just a fraction of s second

'So she really done it. What an idiot, you have a lot to live for. So live that life'

Flashback end

"What about the other one?" The doctor asked about the other patient "Female student in the same accident has a major injury and cut to her side" Another nurse reported


Once she pushed him away, I kicked her in the same trajectory with me getting hit with the full force of the car.

It hit the middle part of my back so hard that I was flew away to the window of Wcdonalds, crashing through some tables and finally rolling on the ground before hitting my head on the counter.

Flashback end

"Anything else?" Doctor inquired in case of a more serious injury "other than a possible concussion, I'd say she might live" The nurse responded

(I do not know how they give info in hospitals so please roll with it)

"Then let's get these two to the OR"  The doctor said. The only thing that I saw before I blacked out was Haru's worried look to both of us.

Akuin's Mindscape

Man. When I said maybe a hit on the head might make you remember, I didn't mean actually do it

'The voice is still in my head' I grimace

Hey!! I know your awake come on!!!

'Maybe he'll go away if I just keep quiet' I thought thinking he'll leave me alone

No, I won't. Maybe you forgot that I can hear you when you're thinking inside your head, because I'm in your head!!!

'Oh shit, he's right'

Of course I am! Now why don't you wake up and hear me out.

"Ok fine, I'm all ears" I said finally acknowledge him

Thank you!!! Now what was your most remembered memory of your childhood.

"Well...its when I met Haru and the others" I answered

Before that

"Why?" I asked suspiciously

Just trust me

"Ok" I said reluctantly as I recollect my old childhood memory and boy was I in for a ride.


(3rd POV)

Young Akuin was seen jogging to the playground, excited on what's ahead of his day.

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