Onyx Ripper (Devastation Form)

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From Akuin's desire for more power, He has given birth to a new form of the Onyx Ripper. This utilizes the full unhinged desire to win and destroy his enemies. Granting him more devastating moves than his previous form

New feature: Devastation meter

- Akuin now possesses a new feature to his avatar called Devastation meter. Every time Akuin deals or takes damage from his opponent or his surroundings the meter will fill up. Once the meter is full, he can call upon a new and stronger form of his avatar.

In this form, Akuin has access to new and more deadly abilities

Passive - Manifest: Devastation Blades - constructs dark red blades from thin air and boosts Akuin's hits with every swing, every 10% in the Devastation bar is 1 Devastation Blade in every swing Akuin's attack.

Alternatively, Akuin can use a charge of Devastation Blade and use it for an attack for example he could construct dozens of blades to rain down on his opponent, as long as he has at least 10% in his Devastation meter

Here are some of the moves he could perform with his Devastation blade.

Blade Step - Akuin chooses a target and shoots an astral blade at them, dealing minimal damage.

Akuin can then activate the blade and teleports to their location.

Essence break - Akuin throws an Astral Blade, anyone hit will cause 5 shards to float around them. Each attack received by the inflicted, whether from Akuin or any other fighter, will break 1 shard.

Once all 5 shards are broken, Akuin can do 1 of two things. First, the shards will transform into astral blades and pierce the enemy before knocking them in the air. And the second is...

Essence Release - Akuin summons the essence of his enemies and forms Astral blades around himself, anyone who gets near Akuin will deal 10 points of damage, and anyone who tries attacking Akuin will disrupt their attack and stuns them for 1.2 seconds. After 5 seconds the blades shout outwards around Akuin dealing 25 points if damage

The Devastation blade move set can also be done with Akuin's base form with lesser impact

Akuin can also use...

Devastation Wave - Akuin slashes his blade across slicing the air and damaging anyone that gets hit.

The path of the slash emits a dark aura as it passes by and anyone who is caught in gets pulled in the middle and stunned for 1.2 seconds

Doppel. Up - Akuin uses Trickster's duplicator and sends his clone upward and swaps places with it. This resets Akuin's animation and could also use to cancel his other animations

Doppel. Down - Akuin uses Trickster's duplicator and sends his clone downward and swaps places with it. This resets Akuin's animation and could also use to cancel his other animations

Doppel. Dodge - Akuin dashes in any direction and leaves behind a clone using Trickster's Duplicator. All lock on skills will now target the decoy rather than Akuin himself

The next few abilities are exclusive to his new form only

Dark Mirage - Using the power of Trickster's duplicator, Akuin summons his other self and sets him free to rampage around the battlefield

Demonic Crush - Akuin's tailcoat becomes two dark red arms that grapple anyone who is in the arm's reach.

Demonic Frenzy - Akuin summons his demonic arms and wields an astral blade with each of his hands before rapidly swinging around, crushing any debris in their way, and rapidly deals damage to anyone that gets hit.

Akuin's new form has access to its special move gauge and once it's been filled up, he has access to two Devastation skills that instantly use up the form and reverts him to the base form

Eternal Extinction - Akuin charges up his fist, grouping up the remaining devastation essence he could muster along with using up the entirety of the devastation bar.

Once Akuin has fully charged his fist, he slams it down hard to the ground, shattering the floor he's standing on as well as sending a massive shockwave and dispersing the energy inside him in a dome around him. Anyone that gets hit will take massive damage as well as 3% stagger damage

Devil's Judgement - Akuin swells up the energy left in his form and directs it towards his blade. Once it was fully charged, Akuin draws his blade from his sheathe and rapidly dash in a pentagram pattern. Anyone caught in the radius registers as being delt by a basic attack thus dealing the maximum amount of basic attack damage he currently has.

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