[7] Daddy Issues

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"Daddy Issues" - Chapter Title based on Demi Lovato's song "Daddy Issues" from their sixth album, Tell Me You Love Me.

Ansley's P.O.V.

After I dropped Jacob at home and pretended like I was going to sleep, I snuck out of the apartment to drive to Walmart. I thumbed through shirts in the men's apparel section until a man approached me. The act made my muscles grow tense, stretching me tall and stiffening my bones. But he grinned at me. His jet black hair complimented his intensely blue eyes and reflectively white smile and clear, tan skin. He was built – not to an unattractive extreme, but enough to notice. He looked to be only a couple of years older than me. This man was attractive, and even I could tell that. And as if he wasn't perfect already, his voice was pleasurable enough that he could've been an actor or narrator.

"Hello," he greeted in a flawless British accent. "Would you mind assisting me with something?"

I tightened my face into a false smile. "Sure. What do you need?"

He smiled down at his hands for a brief moment, almost as though he was blushing and needed to hide it. "I'm new here, and I'm not sure where everything is. Can you help me spot men's polo shirts? Specifically one I could give to my father for his birthday next month?" The accent continued, so I knew he wasn't just pretending.

"Sure," I replied again. "Follow me."

I guided him over to the section he was looking for, which wasn't particularly far from where we had already been standing; how did he not see this area? A table was piled high with a few neutral colors, a few vibrant colors, and dark colors.

"Thank you so much," he chuckled nervously. "What color would you get your own father? Mine likes all these."

A lump formed in my throat at the mention of my dad, about what I would get for him. Well, Dawson was never worthy of any gifts. And he made it clear that we weren't either. The strong relationship that this guy clearly had with his father was beyond my expertise and experience, so I pulled the conversation off of me and onto him.

"Does he look like you?" I asked with a cracking voice, leaving my feelings behind.

He laughed lightheartedly in a way that exuded comfort. "Very similar to me. A slight bit paler with greying hair, but same blue eyes."

I nodded in understanding, narrowing down my list of suitable options. "What kind of pants does he usually wear?"

He pondered for a moment before answering. "Denim jeans usually. Occasionally black trousers."

"Hmm," I hummed as I analyzed each of the shirts with that fact in mind. "I'd go with this grey. It's pretty mild. The black is too dark, and blue would not be ideal on top of the jeans, but the grey compliments the blue jeans and blue eyes without taking away from them."

He nodded now. "That's wise advice. He'll love it. Thank you..." he trailed off as though he wanted me to reveal my name.


"Ansley," he repeated. "Thank you, Ansley. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I'm Hayden, by the way. Lovely to meet you." He extended his hand out to me, and I shook it, going through the motions of a decent human being without investing any of my own feelings.

"Nice to meet you as well."

He laughed again, like he was shy or attempting to look cute. "Well, I'll definitely come to this shop again soon. I should head off now. I'll see you round here again?"

"Yeah. See you around," I said through a smile that was slowly becoming real as a result of his accent and kindness.

He sifted through the grey shirts until he found the one that was his father's size. With another thank you, he walked away. After straightening up the shirts he just ruffled up, I spun on my heel to be met with two beautiful brown eyes and a captivating smile that made Hayden's look dull. It amazed me that she was here at this time, as it was nearly three in the morning.

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