Netflix & Trauma

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When I returned to the living room with Isaiah's comforter bunched up in my arms, Isaiah stood in front of the dining table, his hands planted firmly on it. He looked extremely confused, almost frustrated. I sat beside Jamie and covered both of us with the blanket, "I'm sorry Jamie," I said quietly, "Those guys are so messed up." Jamie just nodded. "Isaiah loves you, you know. You're important to both of us," I told him.

"Thank you, Rowan," Jamie whispered, leaning his head on my shoulder. It felt good to be trusted.

I said nothing, only listening to Isaiah's movements. He began pacing again. Soon, Aslan came up to rub against his legs. He kneeled down to pet him, and it supposedly worked as a calming method. He stood up once Aslan ran off.

"I'm sorry," Jamie said, looking up towards Isaiah.

"Jamie, you didn't do anything wrong. You have nothing to be sorry for," Isaiah told him. Stress made his tone a little bitter, even though he tried his best to sound calm.

Jamie hesitated before giving a small, sheepish nod. Isaiah looked in the pantry for cookies and candy, then grabbed something from a cupboard I'd never searched. He walked up to us with the cookies, candy, and four beers.

"I'm not in a drinking mood," I said.

Isaiah shook his head, before joining us under the blanket, "It's all for me," he said.

He handed Jamie a pack of cookies and he quietly mumbled, "Thanks."

Isaiah opened a beer and took a long sip. After seeming to calm down a bit, he gave Jamie the TV remotes, "Put on whatever you'd like," he told him.

We ended up watching children's cartoons as we ate our cookies. Isaiah was drinking faster than any male his size should, but when I finally worked up the courage to say so, he just waved his hand dismissively, telling me, "Buzzed Isaiah is better than sober Isaiah anyway."

"How so?" I asked.

Isaiah was quiet for a short moment before giving his answer, "Sober Isaiah's too scared to show affection to anyone but Jamie, and he has trouble talking about his problems." He glanced down at Jamie, who was struggling to stay awake.

Why would Isaiah want to show affection to anyone but Jamie? Who would he be acting affectionate to? It wasn't me, was it? Sure, Isaiah sent a lot of mixed messages, but this one stood out a bit.

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