Chapter 30 - Rhea

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Rhea flicked her hair back off her face, trying to control her inner temper and hit redial on her cell for the fifth time. Pacing the empty corridor of the runway hall for the event tonight and aggravated more as seconds ticked by and he still didn't pick up.

She had been trying to call YuZhi for the last two days, after he agreed they would sit down, the three of them, and talk things out. Since she slapped TangShi in the face she had avoided her, raged about the whole situation, cried, hated, and then relented and contacted YuZhi. She knew she had been wrong and even ZhengLi confirmed the whole incident had been innocent and drunken antics and mixed-up phones.

She had no idea why now after agreeing, he had gone off the radar again and was blanking her once more. YuZhi was getting too good at doing it. Since this whole stupid arrangement, he had been trying to distance them, keep them apart, and was continuously reminding her the breakup had to be real. She never got to see him anymore.

He said he was doing it for their future. To avoid conflict and emotional damage that could ruin everything in time by building resentment or making them fight. That he felt while things needed to be a certain way they should get on with their lives and put these two years down to time to grow as people and follow different paths. As long as they both had a goal in mind to start dating again when it was over, it was like he didn't understand how difficult this was for her. He didn't seem to be struggling in the same way she was.

YuZhi had never been the overly emotional and clingy boyfriend, like Rhea was as a girlfriend. He had always been able to regulate his feelings, keep his pain and frustration hidden and got on with life no matter how much his was falling apart. It's what had drawn her to him in his darkest days. His strength and ability to get up and keep moving forwards.

He had never been the jealous type who would question her about his male friends or scold her for going out and partying and not letting him know she would be late home. He didn't keep tabs on her or call or text her constantly the way she did him. He had been an easy and laid-back boyfriend who didn't try and control any aspect of her life, or interfere in her choices in anyway, and now she evaluated it, she started to doubt if he ever loved her the way she loved him. Maybe his easy going nature of the past three years hadn't all been relationship security and his personality.

"Answer the god damn phone!" She snapped into her mouth piece and slammed her mobile on the window sill beside her, anger bubbling up like a volcano and then scooped it up to text him instead. Gripped by the rising hysteria that seemed to hit so much easier nowadays.

I'm in a meeting. I can't answer. I'll call you in an hour.

The text came before she could type an angry rant, and she simmered at seeing his name on screen. Instantly quelled as she blinked at the words that felt like a ray of hope in her darkness. Her temper dying down and she sighed with defeat that he could so easily change her entire mood with one response.

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me." She whispered to herself and slid her phone against her aching chest to stand and stare at the scenery outside. She caught her breath and cooled down by regulating her breathing and staring at the prettiness of the day. She didn't want anyone to see how much of a mess he made her. This wasn't the persona she presented to the world.

There was a time, YuZhi relied on her for everything and she felt she was the center of his universe. After his parents died, and he was a zombie of a boy who seemed hopeless in life who cut off his emotions and avoided any trauma. She was his friend, his rock. She did everything in her power to help him rebuild his life and become someone worthy of standing in Leng in his father's place. She made him famous, styled him, taught him how to curb his wild streak and present a cool and calm façade instead.

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