Chapter 44 - Missing him

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"We're heading over now. Grab your things." Rong Cai appeared at TangShi's desk, startling her out of her daydream and she scurried to grab her bag and phone and put her paints aside. It had been a hectic week of prepping new artwork and today was the last day of overseeing the hanging in the gallery for the opening in the morning. In terms of work the days were swift, but in terms of missing YuZhi it felt endless. She was glad it was getting close to being over.

"Coming." She called after him, swiping up the last framed piece, a small one from YuZhi's study that she really wanted to be included and knew exactly where to hang it. He had bought it long ago before they were even friends and yet it was the only artwork that graced his office. It made her happy anytime she walked in there and saw how much he appreciated her skill, even when he didn't like her. So she wanted that small piece of sentimentality displayed in among the pieces she was most proud of.

She was missing him like crazy, to the point where she wasn't sleeping properly without him in the bed, even though it had only been a few days apart. Although he called her every night before bed to check in. No matter how chaotic his day or far from his own bedtime it was, he made sure to give her a goodnight and at least thirty minutes of his time to listen to her day. It was the highlight to her day.

Work in Hong Kong sounded exhausting and was taking up most of his day and evenings. Meetings, visiting the build site to the entertainment center they were building, and then evening dinners to discuss details. He wasn't sleeping enough and barely getting breaks to catch up. She couldn't wait for him to be home so she could make sure he rested properly and wrap up in his arms for a good night's sleep.

The gallery was around twenty minutes from the school and four of them piled into Rong Cai's car and headed to go and do the final touches. Squeezing into his four by four which was unusually spacious and expensive for a guy who seemed to hate wasteful spending. A hint that told TangShi they had a pretty decent income from the school even if Master Cai looked like an aging hippy in the same clothes every day.

Boxes in arms were slowing them down, a couple of art pieces still to be installed in tow and a pile of flyers and business cards to be left at reception for visitors were with them. The students were excitable and raring to get done so the journey was filled with chatter and noise as they got hyped up with the approaching event opening. It gave TangShi time to stare out of the window and het lost in her own world of peace and quiet as she zoned them out and thought of YuZhi instead.

The show was always a good promotional event for the school every year and attracted art buyers and possible students equally. It was a highlight for them all as the reputation and talent was of the highest quality. She had overheard Rong and Master Cai discussing it days before and it seemed it also brought in sponsors and helped pay for the running of the school and grounds. She guessed being an elite school that handpicked less than a dozen students a year could afford to keep numbers low that way.

TangShi headed to her section of the show hall with her frame when they finally pulled up, admiring the set up as she drew close to the corner and appraised how it now looked with the spotlights redirected at the pictures. The lighting crew had come in early to sort out positioning and her one paper taped square reserving this frames spot also had a low light glow shining and waiting for its arrival. Everything was standing out and stunning, softening the colors and bringing out the inner beauty she always saw in them when she painted. The atmosphere calm and tranquil with the right amount of soft white light and subtle shadow to bring her pieces alive. Tomorrow they would play low level soothing music to add to the ambience and she was excited to see it all come together.

"Do you need me to help with that?" Rong appeared behind her, actively seeking her out now the majority of this place was ready, as he hoped to spend a little one on one time. Originally he thought this event would be a good excuse to spend a lot of time alone with TangShi, but he had been wrong. With so many great students this year, his father had picked several and they had all insisted on being hands on in the process of setting up. Leaving him running around tending to everyone and it infuriated him that she was the only one who never called for his assistance.

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