Chapter 32 - A Kiss

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"Thank you, Master Cai. Today's lesson was enjoyable, and I really learned a lot." TangShi bowed to her teacher, holding her bag as she was readying to leave and thanked him again for today. Time was passing so fast being in this school and her daily schedule here was a highlight of her life. She had found her love of painting again and her days were passing in relative happiness, compared to before.

"You are a good student. Rong was right about your talent and dedication, and I am enjoying seeing your skills grow, Miss. Lei."

"That means a lot, thank you. I am so happy here, that words cannot express it. I bid you a good evening and shall see you bright and early." TangShi bowed once more, full of the joy of having her respected tutor praise her and carried the rolled-up watercolor with her from yesterday. It was a practice piece while studying light on water, but she was incredibly proud of it and wanted to show YuZhi the piece. He was supportive of her time here and had hung her last lesson piece in his study at home.

"TangShi. Wait up." Rong Cai called to her as she made her way to the gate, allowing him to catch up with her without fully stopping. She knew YuZhi would be waiting today as he had text her that he was taking an early day so he could pick her up.

"What's wrong, Mr. Cai?" TangShi turned briefly, pulling the gate as she did so as she was eager to leave. They had plans for dinner and she was excited to see YuZhi after another couple of days of his absence. His work was slowing down enough to afford him one early night.

"How many times, TangShi? Call me Rong. We're almost the same age. And I feel like we're friends now.... friends don't use titles." He smiled, reaching over her head to open the gate fully so she ducked and quickly stepped aside so as not to end up in his armpit. Not overly comfortable with the way Rong always seemed to get very close to her in innocent ways. She couldn't say he was not a nice guy, as he never openly did or said anything to make her doubt him. He was always pleasant and helpful and chatted to her respectively. It was just her own sense of personal space always felt invaded when he was close, and she was sensitive to it. He always seemed to find at least one instance a day to talk to her alone and never other students, so it made her wary. She wondered if it was because of how YuZhi reacted the first time they met, and it was a subconscious thing because he had told her to stay away from him.

"The school is thinking of hosting a small gallery in a month's time. It's a regular annual thing we do. Taking our promising students and showcasing them in an amateur gallery for a few days. Then we repeat at end of term with the same artists. It always brings a lot of interest, especially when those who regularly come get to see the progress in our students. It always fuels new applicants every semester."

"Sounds amazing." TangShi replied with only half interest, glancing over her shoulder into the carpark but didn't yet see YuZhi's jeep. Aware she was increasingly eager to get moving.

"I want Alice Lin to be one of the named artists. Of course, I know you like to keep her anonymous, but we don't need to expose you. Just display your art and you can come as a guest to view the gallery showing. We can be go between for any interviews, so you don't reveal your true identity."

"That sounds awesome. I'm sorry though, can we talk about it tomorrow, as I really have to go. I hope that doesn't sound rude; it's just I have plans." TangShi tried to politely rebuff him as she caught sight of the familiar black car turning in and her heart thumpity thumped at his appearance. A cross between excitement and nerves, because Rong Cai was standing practically hemming her in against the gate with his tall muscular frame and she knew YuZhi wouldn't like it.

Rong Cai looked up and saw where her eyes flickered. Inwardly irritated at the appearance of the so-called boyfriend and pasted a smile on his face. He had searched them up after that first meeting, knowing a Leng would make headlines and was disgusted at the fact he had broken up with one girl mere months before TangShi dated him. His return of bad mood had lasted several days the first time he laid eyes on this asshole because he kept turning over the possibility he was using her as a rebound from his long-term model girlfriend dumping him. He felt TangShi was being used and would be discarded before long.

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