Chapter 2

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I have to focus...

I am agent X, and I was sent here on a mission.

Out of everyone at the agency they chose me to be on this mission. Even though I was one of the youngest candidates, they saw my skill and they sent me here, I can't mess this up.

Whatever her game plan is it doesn't matter, whatever mind games she's trying to play to get me distracted, won't work. I was sent here for a mission, and there is nothing else I will think about.


But when those all-assessing eyes roamed me from top to bottom, I couldn't withstand them. Not when I saw them, and certainly not when I saw the pure hope and joy that lived within them. They were brown. Brown like honey, or brown like the earth. I wasn't much with describing, all I knew is that her eyes had this magnetic glow to them that I just couldn't ignore.

I shook my head aggressively. What was I doing?

Holding in my groan, I slowly looked at my surroundings. We were in Lucinda's house, or one of her many houses. The mansion was big, but quite modern compared to the others. When we walked in you enter an open floor plan. There are platforms that lead to the center of the living room, and a huge couch where we were now seated. Behind me was the kitchen separated only by a bar-like wall, and to the right was the piano, right by the scaled windows that were in front of us and had a view of their backyard, and a pool that was small compared to the house but it lead out into the woods so maybe the property is bigger than meets the eye.

How nice it must be to have money huh?

It's not like being the son of the best agents in the company wasn't much pressure. Sorry, adoptive son. I didn't much care for that detail though, as long as I lived they would be my parents. My biological ones died when I was young, so I don't have many memories of them. All I have is what people around the agency have told me because they seem to have grown a reputation here, my bio-parents, as I like to call them.

There is a reason they chose me to secure the target. There is a reason I'm here, and it's not to keep getting distracted by her.

But how could she not know?

Is she playing dumb on purpose?

They can't have not told her about their job. She's seventeen!

I mean if they didn't tell her she's the daughter of the most dangerous criminal in all of Europe, then she must have figured it out. Right?

Or maybe I've underestimated them. My parents did tell me that they barely had any files on her. The only thing we had is basic information about where she lived, where she went to school, and that she was constantly with Monte Fisher, her bodyguard.

But she isn't the reason I'm on this mission, no. My mission is with her boyfriend, who I was tasked to befriend and then when the time became right we would capture him as leverage to seek out his father, El Diablo. Unlike his girlfriend, he has earned quite the reputation in the underground, and the eldest son of El Diablo has become a thing to fear, even in his early 18 years of life. So I don't feel guilty for using him against his father, not when just yesterday he blew up a club. There were tons of casualties, and even though some of them deserved it, we couldn't look over the innocents that didn't deserve to get caught in the cross-fires.

El Diablo is the famous leader of the Spanish mafia. But not the best. No, the best mafia and mafia leader is the father of the girl who has invited me into her house. Lucy Dawson, or by her more famous name Lucinda D'Ambrosio. She is the daughter of the cruelest, biggest, and richest mafia leader, Lucian D'Ambrosio, and his wife Coraline D'Ambrosio. They moved from Italy to America to secure their relationship with the Spanish mafia, who is located in Los Angeles since the 20th century. Teodore Doranello, is her betrothed. When they both are old enough and their parents either died or retired they will take over the family business, and unite the two mafias into one big happy criminal family.

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