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Here is some Wade x Xeil content

"Gah! I'm so stupid!"

Xeil flinches at the outburst. "W-Wade.. It isn't your fault.. Accidents happens.." He says, the deer boy was resting on bed as Wade paces across the room, what happened you may ask? Wade got a bit to aggressive during his training, and while practicing a powerful burst, he hit Xeil, who was watching from the sidelines, and that ended in Xeil having almost died and in the med room, with bandages wrapped around his upper body.

"It is my fault! If I was more careful where I was shooting then you wouldn't be like this! I-If I just made sure the outer shield in the room could take that much power..!" He groans. "Wade, come here.." The princely elf slowly walks over with some hesitation, and he sat on the edge of the bed, Xeil stares at him before cupping his face and bringing it forward, then leaning his own forehead against Wade's.

"It wasn't your fault.. You didn't know the training dummy would reflect the attack, and bounce it in my direction.. You had no intention of hurting me.. Did you..?" They both stay silent until Wade sighs. "N-No.. B-But.." Xeil gave him a little kiss. "No buts.. It takes a lot more then that to stop me.." Wade glares. "But you passed out for more then 3 hours, and you could barely speak when you woke up, and you were coughing like crazy!" Xeil sighs and rubs his cheek with a thumb. "But I survived.."

Wade sniffs and lays into his shoulder, not even a second later, Xeil could hear quiet sobbing, to which he sighs and rubs his back. "Just warn me before you do that next time.. And make sure you can hit it somewhere that causes no backlash.." He whispers. "If only I had a spell to heal you.." Wade mutters, the princely elf was a catalyst user, he used a book for his attacks basically, and he wished he had a spell in his book to heal him, but unfortunately he didn't. "It's okay.. Better if I heal on my own anyways" Xeil hums.

Wade eventually fell limp in Xeil's arms, probably from all the crying, Xeil sighs and kisses his forehead, sure, the elf has pissed him off, or made him flustered in the past, but that didn't change the fact he loved him, why did Wade choose him out of all people? He still asks himself that, and whenever he asks Wade all he says is "because no one could compare to your beauty", no matter how tense the situation was. Their relationship wasn't perfect, Wade was a bit possessive, and a bit egotistical, sure but that didn't change how much Xeil loved his big dork..

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