24. The Legendary Sucker!

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A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates! Been really busy this week, hope you guys can understand. This chapter ended up getting really rushed, so it might not be the best of quality! Anyways it'll be back to normal updates this week. Enjoy!

"Any second now! Look, the water's spinning! It's gonna be easier than I thought to get this balloon to burst!" Naruto shouts eagerly while holding out the water balloon his hand

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"Any second now! Look, the water's spinning! It's gonna be easier than I thought to get this balloon to burst!" Naruto shouts eagerly while holding out the water balloon his hand.

Jiraiya had taken his students to a secluded area to train on the Rasengan, explaining the first step on how to pop the water balloon by use of chakra.

Naruto's confidence was through the roof about getting the first step done with ease, while Miyo simply was excited to learn another jutsu created by her favorite Hokage.

"Good, let me know when you've both done it, until then I'll just get comfortable." Jiraiya says while sitting down on the dirt, resting his back against a tree.

He pulls out a gourd of water from his vest, "It's time for a little break."

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Naruto shouts in irritation at his serene sensei.

"I might as well catch some shut eye, this stuff helps me sleep!" Jiraiya says while taking a huge gulp from his gourd.

The Uchiha let's out a snicker, "Don't get too comfortable. We'll have this done in no time!" she shouts with confidence, Naruto nodding his head in agreement.

Jiraiya rolls his eyes, "Yeah yeah. Let me know when you've figured it out."

Naruto hmphs in response, "You wait and see!" he says while turning his back, focusing his attention back towards the water balloon in hand.

He shouts while trying his absolute hardest to pop the balloon, little progress being made.

"Come on, Naruto. We got this!" Miyo says while grabbing her own water balloon from the giant bag. 'Master Jiraiya did it like this, right?' she questions herself while creating multiple circulations of chakra inside of the balloon, effectively popping it.

Her face lit up in happiness, "Hell yeah!" but the expression quickly went back down a few notches, seeing Naruto look a bit jealous.

She points at him, "Alright, Naruto! Your turn!"

He nods, "Right!" Naruto shouts again, using all of his will power to pop the balloon, but of course it simply doesn't work.

'He'll get it eventually.'


It was now dusk, snores could be heard from the sleeping white-haired sensei, multiple empty gourds littered by his feet.

"Man... This is crazy! What do I have to do?!" Naruto yells in frustration, still not able to pop the balloon.

The shout wakes Jiraiya from his nap, also snapping Miyo from her reading session up in the tree above him.

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