26. False Reality

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"Hey, wake up!"

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"Hey, wake up!"

"Wake up!"


The sound of a familiar voice made Miyo's eyes shoot open. Although instead of meeting the gaze of whoever's voice it was, it was something different...

She didn't 'wake up' to the sight of a hospital room, the ground where she blacked out, or anywhere logical for that matter.

In fact she woke up standing, nothing in the first few seconds of consciousness happened to make any sense.

'What the? What happened?' Miyo thought to herself as she looked over in the far distance to see the entrance of the Hidden Leaf Village.

This situation couldn't be more random, 'Was that all just a dream, or is this a dream right now? Am I dead? What's going on?!' she thought while rubbing her head in utter befuddlement.

Droplets of rain started to slowly fall from the clouded sky above, leaving Miyo standing there, now beginning to feel a bit frustrated.

She's always hated the rain.

With a loud exhale, she quickly scurried into the entrance of the Hidden Leaf, passing the sleeping Kotetsu and Izumo on the way in.

As she continued through the village, Miyo had noticed everything felt... different.

Nothing was out of the ordinary, but it just felt like something odd was going underway.

As she was busy studying her surroundings to try and figure out what was so unusual, a familiar friend took advantage of her distracted state to sneak up on her.

A sudden hand roughly grabbed her shoulder along with a "Boo!" making Miyo yell out at an inhuman volume, causing everyone within a 100 foot radius to stare.

She places a hand over her racing heart, getting slightly annoyed at her presumed blonde teammate's action. Without even turning around, she began to scold the man behind her, "Naruto! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that, idiot!" she yelled, still trying to calm down her frantically beating heart.

"Naruto? That's not my name, YoYo!" the man behind her said with a small snicker.

That sentence alone made her heartbeat thump even more than it did a few seconds ago. 'W-Wait... that voice and that terrible nickname... No...' she thought to herself in a mix of disbelief and hope.

As she slowly turned around, the thought of the one in a billion scenario became a reality. "Sh-Shisui... is that you?" she asked with wide eyes and a breathless voice.

He gave a playful scoff at the ridiculous question, "Well duh! Who else could I be?" he asked back with a fake smirk.

"N-No... that's impossible! You're alive?! But how?!" she shouted in disbelief with tears now starting to form at the corner of her eyes.

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