25. Terror Unfolded

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It's been six days since Naruto had accepted Tsunades challenge

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It's been six days since Naruto had accepted Tsunades challenge. Tomorrow was the deadline, however Naruto had still yet to master the jutsu entirely.

It was early afternoon, the genin were in an open field with dead trees surrounding the area. They've had to relocate multiple times because after every training session, the forest around them would be in complete shambles.

"Alright, Naruto. This is the last day for you to master the Rasengan, can't slack off at all today, got it?" Miyo asks while flicking his temple.

Naruto rubs his forehead where he was flicked, "What do you mean slack off?!" he asks while pointing an accusing finger back at her, "I've been training my butt off all week! All you've done is just sit up in trees to meditating!"

"Don't question my methods! I am your superior after all." she replies with fake smugness.

"Superior?! Who made you in charge?!" he questions.

Miyo shrugs, "Me, cuz I'm older." she says while pulling out a gourd from he pouch, quickly realizing it's empty simply by the weight.

"Damn, I forgot I had to refill this thing." she thinks out loud while turning her attention back to Naruto, "I'm gonna get head back to town for a minute, you need anything while I'm over there?"

He shakes his head, "No thanks!"

Miyo hmms in response, turning towards the direction of the forest to return back to Tanzaku Town.

It was a quick 20 minute walk through the large green terrain, it would have been even faster if she hadn't taken multiple wrong turns during the solo expedition.

As she made her way through the busy streets, a voice called out to her, "Hey, over here!"

Miyo looked around aimlessly to try to find who shouted at her, finally seeing Tsunades assistant come into view, running over to her with her pet pig in her arms.

"Oh hey, uhh Shifu was it?" the Uchiha questioned the older woman.

She just sweatdrops, "A-Actually it's Shizune."

"Woah, I was way off, huh?" Miyo asks sheepishly, "Anyways what's up? And where's Tsunade? I haven't seen you leave her side yet!"

Shizune shyly rubs the back of her head, "W-Well that's the thing, Lady Tsunade ran off last night and I haven't been able find her..."

"You're her assistant, and you don't know where she is..." Miyo let's out a sly laugh, "Wow, some caretaker you are!"

"This is not a laughing matter! Who knows where Lady Tsunade could be! What if she's in trouble, injured, or even worse!" Shizune squeals as she continues to panic like a crazy person.

"Relax, I can still sense her chakra in town. Give me a second, yeah?" Miyo says while closing her eyes, seeming going into deep concentration.

After a few seconds, Miyo snaps open her eyes, turning around and pointing off into the far distance, "She's in the bathhouse across town."

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