Chapter 3 : Newt Scamander

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Y/n Pov [it's gonna be like this for a long time]

Launch time has finally came! I set down my heap of books on the Hufflepuff table. "You got a lot of homework, huh?" Layra says looking at me . "No, I'm done. I just found a bunch of interesting books in the library."

"Of course. You love books." she says slicing her chicken. "That's right!"

After eating and reading for a while , I saw a tallish man in a light brown coat and curly brown hair. I t was none other then Newt Scamander. "What is Newt Scamander doing here?" I ask Layra. "How should I know?" she replied.

I saw him greet Prof. McGonagall and the rest of the teachers. He talked to her for a while, she just said a few words and nodded. She pointed in my direction.

Newt thanked her and walked to me.

"Hello there Y/n. I'm Newt Scamander. Can I please talk to you?" "S-sure." I replied.

"I believe you are the daughter of Remus Lupin?" he asked. I nodded quickly. "I am." I say uncertainly.

"We were very good friends. He asked me if he died in the war, that I would take care of you." he explained. "So , your my -" I started. '"My godfather?" I say shockingly.

"Yes I am." he smiled sweetly.

"That's amazing! I've always been a huge fan. But godfather!" I say freaking out . "Sorry. I am just grateful that you would do this! Thank you." I say feeling a bit of tears in my eyes.

"Oh. I got you present." he says putting his hand in his pocket. "You really don't need to give me a present-" I gasped as I saw he pulled out a platypus from his pocket. "He's so cute!" I squeal.

"It's for you. Your mother used to have one. This is one of her babies." he says slowly placing him in my hands. "Thank you so much mr.Schamander !" I hold the platypus safely in my hands. "Please , call me Newt."

"Thank you ... Newt.

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Hi guys! sorry that it's so short and cringey :[

I have been very lazy lately. So my updating might be very slow.



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