Chapter 4 : Weasley notes

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Y/n PoV:

Finally it was weekend. Everyone is lined up to go to Hogsmeade. "Where to first?" Ginny asked me when we walked in the snow of Hogsmeade.

"What about Three Broomsticks? I'm in the mood for a cappuccino." I say .

"Ok then!" Hermione says walking next to me. Once we got there, about everybody was there.

"What about we just get some coffee and get out ." I suggested when I saw the very crowded place." Good idea." Ginny agreed.

We got our chai cappuccino's and walked back outside. "But it's so cold outside!" Hermione complained . "Come with us." Harry and Ron says coming

from Honey Dukes. They led us to a small coffee shop, it's very cute and cosy . We sat down next to the twins who was drinking Butterbeer.

"Hi Y/n, Ginny and Hermione." they say lifting their cups . "Hi Fred, hi George ." we say in unison.

I sit next to Fred in front of the window. The rest of them are relaxing on the sofa. "Hi Y/n." he smirked at me.

"How are you?" I ask. "Cold. But I feel a bit warmer when I saw you ." he smiled. Oh god, that's so cheesy . But it's very sweet of him , I thought .

"I need you to help me." he added. "What's up?" I say looking a little worried. "I want to choose a Animagus. But I don't know which animal."

"Ohh, that's a hard to choose. Do you have options? " I ask. "I thought a cat. But a dog is more my style." he says playfully .

"What about a fox?" I ask. "Their ginger, playful and make good plans. Like you ." I suggest.

"That's a good idea. You make amazing choices Y/n." he complented . "Thank you Fred. " I smile. We sit in silence for a while, but a comfortable silence.

It's calm, and peaceful. It's just me and him, looking at the snow falling outside.

"Have you ever heard of Laxidon?" Fred asks. "No." I reply. "Percy told me about it. It's a potion the can tell you the name of your soulmate." he explains.

"That's intresting." I say sipping my drink. "There's a rumor that the minister is going to allow us to use it at Hogwarts." he added.

"I wonder who would I get." I say. "Seamus is a good fit for you. Or maybe Luna." He suggested.

"Mmmm. Finnigan is better for Dean. And Luna is a bit to weird for me." I confess.

* * *

" Y/n! Hurry!" Travler Lovelance shouted. She was my other Hufflepuff friend. "Coming!" I say putting on my Quidditch cloak. "Lupin ! C'mon!" she shouted again

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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