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*some minutes earlier*

After finishing my work, i decided to go and check on Mia. In case she needed anything or ran away. I didn't have to knock as she left the room's door open. I was about to say Hi but decided against it. 

I stood there for a whole minute, getting bored of watching her write, i decided to let her know i have been standing here but a teardrop rolling down his cheeks stopped me. She turned around and saw me standing infront of her door like a creep. She immediately closed her diary before turning away from me to wipe her tears.

I could tell she was hoping i didn't just see her crying by the look on her face. She then got back to the Mia i know. The strong one. The one who's hiding her true self.




My eyelids were getting heavy by the minute. Glancing at the clock, i noticed it was only 21:00. I closed my eyes praying that i won't have any nightmares tonight.
I finally let the darkness invade me. And then came the nightmares.

"What was the mission daughter?" My father asked, stepping closer to me.

"K-kill h-him. To kill him." i stuttered earning a slap from him.

"And what did you do?" He spat angrily

"I l-let him go." I replied as more tears started spilling out of my eyes.

"Exactly. Now you should be punished." He said and punched me repeatedly. Kicking me in the stomach, he grabbed me by my hair, chained me on the wall and ordered some other men to come do whatever they pleased to do with me.

"P-pl-please st-stop." I pleaded. "It hurts please!! Stop. I'll not do it again. Please please. It hurts!" I kept on yelling but they didn't stop. Each one took their turns and did whatever they wanted to do with me. I screamed on the top of my lungs and cried but no one heard me.

"Mia? Someone shook me, "Mia, wake up!" A familiar voice demanded, making me open my eyes. 


I was doing some work on my latop when i heard Mia screaming. I immediately ran to her room and was greeted with her sweating and shivering on the bed. I quickly walked to her, trying to wake her up earning a punch while doing so but fuck, i couldn't care less right now.

She kept on screaming, telling whoever is hurting her in her nightmare to stop.

"Mia." I shook her, "Wake up!" I almost yelled making her open her eyes. She sat on the bed startled. She saw me and quickly wiped away her tears. I grabbed her face in my hands, making her look at me.

"Hey, Its okay. You're alright." I assured her. What I wasn't expecting is for her to hug me. For some reason, i hugged her back. We laid there in each other's embrace and before i knew it, we both fell asleep.

The light of the sun reflected on my face which caused me to wake up. I rubbed my eyes and remembered what happened last night. I was still in her room and she was still hugging me. I silently moved her away from me and went back to my room. I had to go to work anyway.

Before leaving her room, i glanced at her. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. The last time i slept with a woman on the same bed was 3 years ago. Yes, i do nightstands but once im done, they leave. I dont bring whore to my room, i hate them. I do that in another guestroom.

After 20 minutes, i drove back to the main house to attend some business.

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