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The second Trina entered the house, I knew something was about to go wrong. I couldn't let Mia kill Trina. She was the daughter of the Spanish Mafia- My allies. The deal was to date the leader, Oleg's daughter and that was what i was fucking doing despite the hatred i have for the girl.

Once i got what i wanted from daddy dearest, i would be killing his daughter, that had been the plan all along. She just decreased her lifespan by calling Mia a whore.

When she dropped Trina and rushed to her room, i knew i fucked up by not talking about this to her sooner. As if the guilt wasn't enough, my parents disapproving glances added salt to my wound.

"She doesn't deserve this." Gianna, her grandmother stated, shaking her head in disgust.

"My cousin said your ass belonged on the floor. And she was right." Marco stated in between his laughs.

"You stupid kid! Who the fuck even are you? An orphan seeking refuge, huh?" Trina laughed, shaking her head at the child. Marco's expression instantly changed.

Stupid fucking bitch. It took all the cells of my body to convince me not to kill this girl. My thoughts were interrupted by a gunshot followed by the pained cries of Trina who held her right leg as blood started coming out of it.

My eyes glanced upstairs and was greeted with the sight of Mia, holding a gun. "You speak like that to him again and Next time, it's gonna be your head." She gestured Marco to come upstairs which he did.

"Help me stand up, you stupid old bitch." Trina snarled at Ginna. At this point, i couldn't tell just how dumb she was. And like i was expected, another gunshot earning yet another cry of pain from Trina who held her right arm this time.

"Are you fucking sick?"

"Your presence disturbs me." Mia shrugged, picking up Marco who already reached upstairs. Kid was fast.

"Right." My mom grabbed my dad's hand. "We gotta go."

"Talk to me or my grandson or my granddaughter like this again and I'll smack you until your plastic ass burst." Gianna said, grabbing Trina's hair tightly. Once she released her, Gianna went to join her grandchildren upstairs.

"Help me stand up." Trina hissed in pain as she spoke.

"Can't." I gestured to my phone, "Im Busy." I looked at the guard standing in front of the door, "Come help her, Willy." With a 'yes boss', He immediately rushed to her side.

I, however, immediately went upstairs to Mia with the intention of explaining everything to her because the idea of losing her did not sit well with me.


Marco fell asleep almost instantly. That Trina girl deserved everything i did to and so much more. If only Alec didn't intervene, i would have killed her for talking to my family the way she did. As for Alec, i didn't understand him anymore. One day he was touching me, kissing me and the next, his girlfriend whom he never once spoke about appeared. I had to be missing something, i thought.

I sighed, remembering how it had been a while since i'd written anything in my diary. So, i wrote about what happened today.

Dear Diary,
Apparently, Alec has a girlfriend. I don't know since when. He's weird, strange. I don't know where I stand in his life anymore. I'm thinking of leaving. Yeah, maybe I should leave. My dad is not outside anymore. I'm free, sort of. I can handle the Mexican Mafia. A real fucking joke.

Speaking of my dad, he's here, in the basement, tied. I'm going to leave now. I have someone to release my anger on and torture.

Laters, diary.
Thanks for taking in my bullshits.

With that, I closed my diary and went in the basement where the monster himself was tied.

"Which cell number is Pierce?" I asked one of the guards.

"325", He answered. I responded with a curt nod and walked in the direction of said cell. I slammed the door open, taking in the view of an untouched Pierce, as requested. He was tied to a chair and i was the only one who got to torture him. If i wasn't in a bad mood from the Alec drama, that thought would have turned me on.

"Father," I spoke, making him aware of my presence. He glanced up at me, his eyes widened in surprise before he replaced it with a look of... satisfaction? I was seeing things. "Mia? You here to get out of this place?", His question made his expression made sense.

"Nope." I almost chuckled at his reaction this time, "God, has however, requested your presence in hell."

He looked scared for a while before he masked it with a smirk. "You don't have the guts to kill me."

"Oh," i smiled, "But I'm not gonna kill you. You'll ask me to kill you yourself." I continued, "I am going to torture you until you get on your knees and beg me to put you out of your misery which i will deliver."

He never saw his side of me. Never. He always took me for a scared little girl but then again, I did all these for my grandmother and cousin. But today was different. The monster was going to see the killing machine he created working on him. I couldn't wait to hear his screams. With that thought in mind, i walked towards the table filled with different torturing equipments, begging to be used.

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