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First things first, before reading this chapter please go back and re-read chapters 1-7! I changed the story around a bit and this chapter will make far more sense if you do!!

And secondly, Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter! It is really important!

Thank you so much and I'm sorry for the inconvenience of having to re-read everything!


"I have absolutely no idea how you even convinced me to help you with this..." I groaned into my servo, watching as Amalgamous sets up his newest prank with disdain wavering throughout my EM field; which only earned a bark of laughter from the shapeshifting prime.

"Oh come on (D/S), this is going to be great!" he huffed, turning to me with a large grin.

"Yeah, a great disaster!" I threw my servos in the air to further show my exasperation, my optic ridges knitting together.

"It's not going to be a Disaster...probably."

"That." I deadpanned. "That is exactly why I really don't think this is a good Idea.

Amalgamous, you know I love pulling pranks like this with you. But seriously, this specific prank is a bad idea. Megatronus WILL offline us both; well, as close to offlining as we can get, but still! I mean, permanent pink paint sealant; do you realize how long that is going to take him to get off?!"

"Oh don't be such a worry wart, (D/S)! We'll be fine, I can guarantee it!" The prime simply gives me another one of his signature grins before turning back to perfecting his current task.

"YOU don't have training with the mech that we are about to cover helm to pede in PINK PAINT! I do; and quite frankly, I don't think he's going to be in a very happy when we eventually ruin his paintjob."

"Ruin? I say we're going to make it better! He always has so many dark colors, makes the mech look so gloomy. The pink should brighten that up in an instant." Amalgamous snickered.

"I hate you, I really do."

"No, you love me!" He grinned at me

I groaned into my servos but couldn't stop the smile from spreading onto my faceplate at the comment.

"Alright, alright." I put my servos up in defeat. "I still think this is a really bad idea, but what kind of friend would I be if I didn't make it OUR really bad idea."

"Exactly! Now, where were we?"



"JESUS CHRYSLER BUILDING!" I shouted in surprise, jumping so high out of the back seat that my head hit the ceiling of Bee's alt mode. "SAMUEL!"

"Woah!" My brother put his hands up in mock surrender, scooting away from me. "Sorry (n/n), I didn't mean to startle you! I was just worried."

"Worried?" I growled, rubbing my head in both pain and frustration. "Worried about what? Your brother having a peaceful nap."

"Peaceful isn't the word I would use..." Sam muttered, glancing at me with an unreadable expression. "You were tossing and turning in your sleep, muttering about-" my brother paused. "-about Megatron."

"Megatronus." I corrected, the name seemingly coming out of no where.

"Megatronus?" Sam looked confused. "Who's Megatronus?."

I blink slightly, my eyebrows knitting together. "I...I don't know."

"(y/n)" My brother called softly, but his tone was laced with...something I couldn't quite put my finger on. "You've been acting really weird since we left, always spacing out of no where. I'm getting worried about you."

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