I Love You Too, Cutie

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"The Allspark fragment is with...whom?"

I slowly turn my head towards Samuel James Witwicky, a sickly sweet smile taking hold of my expression. "Go on Sam. Why don't you explain to Bossbot here what you decided to do with the Allspark fragment after pickpocketing me."

"Ah, well- pickpocketing is such a strong word! I-" One look from me made him splutter before getting to the point. "I gave it to Mikaela in our long distance relationship kit."

Silence filled the graveyard in which we found ourselves in for this impromptu meeting.

"The Allspark fragment is with Ms. Banes?" Optimus asked slowly, almost like he was trying to wrap his helm around my brother's stupidity.

Good luck Bossbot, I've been trying to do that for years!

"Yes." was Sam's simple reply.

"That is an unfortunate circumstance."

"You can fragging say that again." I muttered, resisting the urge to smack my brother for what seemed like the hundredth time in the span of ten minutes.

Optimus furrowed his optic ridges, giving me the look of a middle aged father who just heard his kid say something he didn't like. "Someone of your age should not use such profanity."

"Right-" I tried to stifle my snicker. "Sorry Bossbot, won't happen again."

That was a lie

But Optimus seemed content with my apology, turning his attention back to Sam before asking "Is there any way you could get the Allspark fragment back from Ms. Banes?"

"Uhm- yeah, yeah I could call her when I get back to the dorms-"

"-Like you were already supposed to be doing instead of dancing with some blonde bimbo at a trashy college party."

"-and ask her to bring it to Princeton dorms." Sam finished, seemingly unaffected by my interjection.

"Very well, but please hurry. It is of upmost importance to obtain the Allspark fragment and keep it away from Decepticon clutches." Optimus stands from his crouched position. "Contact me when you all have safely acquired the Allspark. Until then, farewell and good luck." With that final word, the leader of the free-galaxy transformed and rolled out of the cemetery, leaving Sam, Bumblebee, and I in his wake.

"That went over well."

There was silence, for a moment or two, before the sound of my fist colliding with my brother's arm broke it. The painful noise bouncing off of the many gravestones.

"I deserved that."


The car ride back to the dorms was awkward and filled with a melting pot of different silences. Sam was drowning in his guilt and embarrassment, sulking in the passengers seat as he fiddled with the seatbelt. Bumblebee was about as quiet as a mouse, not even letting the radio play. He was probably still mad at Sam for nearly letting the blonde bitch in his front seat. I was quiet for a very similar reason.

The word angry doesn't even cover half of the emotion I'm currently feeling towards my dear brother. I was livid. Livid at the fact that he practically cheated on Mikaela; livid on the fact that he pickpocketed me to get the Allspark fragment; and livid at myself for having higher expectations for my brother.

I could understand his thought process on giving Mikaela the Allspark fragment, the idiot probably trying to be stupidly sweet. But cheating on her with some random blonde the second he got to college? That is something I couldn't even wrap my head around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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