Chapter 2

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Saturday came quickly and by the time Marinette got out of the house, a limousine was waiting outside. She had already bid her farewells and looked at the limousine.

The door opened and out walked Nino, followed by Peter and Daniel, followed by... Luka, Juleka, and Chloe!

Marinette dashed toward the limousine, leaving her baggage, and jumped into Luka, Juleka, and Chloe's arms.

They all quickly exchange how they missed one another and eventually they were all in the limousine, the driver taking them to the airport.

"Why are you guys here though?" Marinette finally asks.

"Luka did some research and found out we're going to China for the trip!" Juleka exclaims.

"What?" Marinette asks in disbelief. "We're going home?"

The others nod and smile, making Marinette smile.

"Wait, does that mean they're going to the coronation?" Nino asks and Chloe slowly nods.

"Your father also sent the private jet to take us," Daniel adds.

"You know what, fine. Lila's probably gonna be lying about how she knows the princess and we'll show her," Marinette says with confidence rushing through her.

The rest of the way they all chat and catch up.

Meanwhile the rest of the class has arrived at the airport. "Ugh, where are the others? You guys are going to miss the flight," Lila says.

"What do you mean Lila?" Rose asks.

"I'm taking my private jet that Prince Ali gave to me," Lila replies, smirking while everyone, except Alya, fawns over her.

"Wow, even I don't have a private jet, Lila," Adrien says.

Just then, a limousine pulls up nearby.

"Woah," the class fawns, except Lila.

The class watches as Daniel and Peter step out, then Luka, Juleka, and Chloe, followed by Nino, who helps out... Marinette?

"What?" the entire class yells.

The group of seven don't notice the class as Marinette grabs one single purse from the trunk and walks away, saying that the other stuff can be sent to the palace and thanking the driver.

Alya's phone rings and she quickly answers.

"Nino?" Alya asks.

"Hey Alya, meet us at gate 9C by ten," Nino says. "Got to go, bye," he adds, then hangs up.

The class watches as the group of seven walk into the airport, the class quickly follows, chased by Ms. Bustier and her friend, Ms. Martin.

The group of seven watch as Nino, Daniel, and Peter walk around Marinette, who's casually chatting with everyone like their best friends, which they are.

By the time everyone makes it through security, the class once again spot the group of seven as they leave the members only lounge.

To get the attention back on herself, Lila points out a private jet and says, "Look, there's my jet! I'll see you guys later!" Then she rushes off.

"Ms.?" Alya asks.

"Yes, Alya?" Ms. Bustier replies.

"Nino called me and told me to meet him. Can I go to them?" Alya asks.

"Of course," Ms. Bustier replies, knowing about Marinette's secret for a reason to be revealed.

Alya rushes over to the group of seven and immediately asks, "What the hell is going on?"

Marinette, Heir of ChinaWhere stories live. Discover now