Chapter 13: Feuer, he...?

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*Five days later*

A lonely tar-black skeleton walked through the forest. The sky was decorated with many breathtaking stars. Although it was dark, it didn't bother him in the slightest. As if natural night blindness did not concern him.


*Nightmare's Perspective*

...Another unknown to me Au. I don't know what's going on but...The fact that I've ended up in one for the 60th time in a row is starting to bother me.

I thought I knew the codes of the original universes by heart, but...Now I'm starting to doubt it.

(N) *Frowns*

...That hit to my head did something to my memory?

(N)*Grabs his skull*

...Haaa...Last thing I need now is that...

...As if the fact that Nadel woke up wasn't enough.

Oho? Since when do you don't like my company?

From when you forcibly take control and make me sleep! I know you only do it when you think you should, but...I would like to know what you do when you are in control, okey!?

...You say it every time, but you know very well that it's better this way. No one will hurt you there...Not like just now...I HATE feeling that pain in you. I tried to ignore it, like you said, but sometimes I just...I CAN'T...And I can't understand how you can still care about them after what they did to us. They should finally realize that you are helping them selflessly and that all you expect from them is understanding, but no. "Let's do everything we can to finally get rid of this pile (good for our undeserving asses) of misery"...

(N) ...


...But they don't do it on purpose, they just...they don't know. If only I could find proof to prove my words, I'm sure something would eventually change, so I just have to--

*Rolls eyes*...You say so, but actually why do you need it? Shouldn't our 'dear brother' already know very well that we are disgusted by lies and would never utter them?

(N) ...


He never even bothered to notice it in us when we were young.

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