Chapter 22

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After speaking with George and Fred, Evie went to find Harry in Gryffindor common room. As she walked through the grand portrait into the cosy room, she saw Harry sat on the sofa with his head in his hands. It sounded like the boy was sobbing and talking to someone, although there was no one else in there apart from him and Evie. He was alone. 

Seeing Harry like this, broke Evie's heart. She couldn't bear it. The red-headed girl walked over to Harry and stood in front of him, putting both of her hands on his shoulders. "It's not your fault Harry, honestly you dont need to worry, I'm fine, really I am," Evie comforted her brother. 

He lifted his head, "Evie? Is that you... oh don't be silly of course it isn't her!" he muttered to himself. 

"Yes Harry, it's me... I'm actually stood right in front of you, not that anyone can see me! Please before you say anything else will you do something for me?" Evie asked. 

Harry's eyes glistened from the tears that had been streaming from them only moments ago, they looked a little bright now even if he was a little confused, "Anything for you E," He declared. 

"Can you turn to face the fire place, sit crossed legged on the sofa and lay your hand palm side up on your knees?" She had thought a lot about the easiest ways to communicate, and if she didn't have to stand up the whole time, she wouldn't. Harry did as Evie had asked him without hesitation, now Evie was just hopeful that her 'circuit' theory was right. 

Evie sat in front of Harry facing him, almost mirroring his actions. She placed her palms onto his and began to speak. "Can you hear me Harry?". 

The boy almost flinched at the tingle sensation he could feel in his palms, "Yes Evie I can hear you, but how?" 

Evie Shrugged, forgetting that Harry couldn't see her, "I dont really understand it, but I was able to talk to Fred and George earlier... They told me you would be in here." Evie paused. Taking a deep breath she continued, she had to tell him what she knew first before they could fix their relationship "Harry I need you to know, the night I was petrified I figured it out,"

"I know Hermione and Ron already told me, a basilisk... one nasty creature!" Harry interrupted. 

"No Harry, I mean I figured out how it has been getting around the school... It's using the pipes," She informed him.

"THE PIPES!?" Harry shouted. 

"Yes, I was going to try and tell you or at least Ron and Hermione the next morning but..." Evie didn't finish the sentence. 

"It got you," Harry said sadly. 

"Yeah, but I'm Ok, I've heard Madam Pomfrey and Professor sprout talking... It sounds like they have been growing some mandrake's to help unpetrify us. It's going to take a while but they at least have something that they can do for me!" Evie stated positively. 

Harry sat quietly for a minute before speaking, "I'm sorry Evie, I'm so sorry for the way I handled your news about being a parsel mouth. I know now that it was stupid, I should have been grateful you told me at all! I understand your family had told you not to say anything, I just felt so alone at the time and I didn't handle the situation well at all! Please forgive me, I'd like to make it up to you, when you are back with us properly,"

"Harry, you have apologised enough! I've heard you every day over the last few weeks. It is fine, really!" Evie said softly. 

The two continued to talk about the things they would do once Evie was no longer petrified and the pair became rather excited at the prospect of spending more time together. 


It had been over a week now, since Evie told Harry about how the Basilisk was getting around the school. In that time, Draco had tried to visit Evie again but as he was about to enter the hospital wing, his goons caught him. So, he was whisked away with them and didn't visit. Fred and George had been, telling Evie the tick-tock timer prank was happening soon if she wanted to tag along with them. Ron and Hermione had also been to visit Evie with Harry. 

However, one person hadn't been in a while, Ginny. Feeling a little hurt by this, Evie decided to go looking for Ginny to talk to her. She had managed to talk with Harry, Fred and George so she didn't see why she couldn't do the same with Ginny. After Evie had scoured the castle and grounds trying to find her, the  place Evie looked was the Gryffindor common room. Yet, she wasn't in there. The only other place she could have been was in her dorm room, so Evie decided to go in there to see if she could find her. 

After opening the door and scanning the room, Evie saw Ginny lying on her bed, crying. She felt guilty for being annoyed with her best friend, especially seeing her in this state, she looked terrible. Evie sat on the bed next to Ginny, rubbing her arm and back in the hopes that Ginny would feel it and be comforted by the caring act. "Sh-shhhh Gin, there's no need to cry. I know this is strange but it's me Evie, I'm sat next to you on your bed," Evie said softly, trying to sooth her best friend. 

"Evie?" Ginny sniffled, "Oh Evie I'm so sorry, it is all my fault, I'm so sorry!" She sobbed into her pillow.

"Oh Ginny, dont be silly! How could this be your fault aye? You're tired, and you've not been talking care of yourself. If your mother were to see you like this, I'm sure she would have a fit!" Evie continued to talk to soft tones. 

"He made me do it E, I couldn't help it, he made me open the chamber of secrets!" Ginny blurted. 

Shocked, Evie wasn't sure how to react. Surely, Ginny was out of her mind? Although she has been acting shifty for months, getting distant and then suddenly reappearing like nothing had happened. Maybe she had opened the Chamber of Secrets. "W-what did you say? It was you?" Evie was trying her hardest to keep her tone soft, "Who made you do it Ginny?" 

"Yes it was me, I'm the reason your...... wait? Oh Merlin are you dead? Are you a ghost? Oh NO! Oh Evie I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!" Ginny cried. 

"Hey, hey calm down! NO, I'm not dead, still just petrified. Don't worry, the mandrake will be ready soon enough, so I'll be back on my physical feet in no time!" Evie calmed Ginny and spoke positively about the situation. 

"It was the Diary, I would write in it but that's how he's been controlling me. So, I got rid of it, I can't do it anymore!" Ginny revealed. 

"Is this why you've been missing classes?" Evie asked.

"Yes," Ginny replied sullenly. 

"Oh Ginny!" Evie lay down beside her best friend and gave her the biggest hug she could, " It's ok, trust me, everything will be alright!" 

She lay there with Ginny for a little while, she couldn't believe what she had heard. Her best friend, Ginny Weasley had opened the Chamber of Secrets...

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