Chapter 3

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Frozen, just staring, Evie couldn't believe it. Her brother, Harry Potter, was stood in front of her for the first time in 11 years. She noticed how much he looked like their father James, apart from the eyes of course, they both took after their mother in that respect. For a moment, she revelled in the sight of him. 'FINALLY' she thought. 

Though her excitement was cut short when she was pulled back into the reality of, what do I say to him? How do I introduce myself? However, she didn't need to worry herself with those as the situation was taken out of her hands. The tall, thin man who stood next to the motherly woman turned to face Evie. Clearly, he wanted to know why she was stood there with her mouth wide open just staring at Harry. "Can we help you?" The man said.
Realising her mouth was still open, Evie closed it immediately. She could feel herself coming over all flustered but this was her chance. Even though, the family of red heads and a young, pretty brunette were now staring at her intensely, Evie had to tell her brother who she was. 

"Erm, yes actually" she said turning to the man. "That boy you are fussing over there, he's - well you see he's my brother," Evie got quieter as she finished her sentence. By the look on the family's face they weren't as shocked as she thought they would be. The youngest boy looked at her and sniggered "Yeah, course you are! Harry doesn't have a sister."
"Actually Ron, YES, Harry does!" the plump lady retorted. Opening up her arms, she invited Evelyn into a hug, though Evie was hesitant at first, she complied. "I'm Molly Weasley, This is Arthur" she nodded to the man beside her. Keeping an arm around Evie's shoulders she turned to introduce the rest of the group. "That there is Ron, these two charming boys are Fred and George. This is our daughter Ginny, and that girl over there is Harry's best friend Hermione" she listed. 

Trying to take in the many names she had just heard, Evie was trying to process the situation. It was obvious that Harry had no idea he had a sister but Molly and Arthur Weasley knew. This information was whirling around in Evie's head. Before she could talk to Harry and explain, she needed an explanation herself. How did the Weasley's know about her, and why did Harry know nothing? Of course, when she had received her Hogwarts letter, Uncle Moony did explain that Harry had been living with our muggle aunt and uncle and they were unlikely to have mentioned her existence. Why hadn't the Weasley's said anything to him before, they seemed very close to him? She wondered, as she gazed at the floor.

"I - I - I have a sister?" Harry stuttered, bringing Evie out of her thoughts.

She slowly dragged her eyes from the floor to meet Harry's piercing gaze. There were so many emotions running through her mind, but she was overwhelmed with anxiety. Was he not happy to have a sister? Maybe he was perfectly happy with our Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon.

Evie's worry soon melted away as she saw Harry's face. Tears pooled in his eyes, threating to tumble down his cheek at any given moment. She soon realised this was through shock and joy, as Harry pulled her in for the tightest hug she had every had. Struggling to breathe a little from his grip, she slowly patted his back with a gentle, reassuring rub and his grip loosened. Harry slowly pulled away from their embrace and held her back at arms length to take in the sight of her. 'A sister!' he thought, 'How wonderful'. Harry thought he had been left alone, the last Potter. But he had a sister, a small, beautiful, little sister. 

He couldn't believe how much she looked like their mum. Hagrid had given him a photo album at the end of the last school year and it was filled with magical pictures of their parents. She had their mother's eyes too. Though he was overwhelmed with excitement, his thoughts slowly became darker. Where had she been all this time, she looked happy, well looked after. Molly and Arthur Weasley knew about her, but they hadn't said anything to him before. A crinkled, puzzled look crept across Harry's face. 

Mrs Weasley looked to Arthur as she could sense the questions whirling around in Harry's mind. "It wasn't our place to tell you dear, you have been through so much," Molly turned to face Evelyn, "as have you honey, Dumbledore asked us to never mention you to anyone". This only increased the amount of questions Harry had running through his mind. With a big sigh Arthur added to Molly's statement, "We wanted to keep you both safe. We knew eventually Hogwarts would bring you together, but until then we were bound from telling you Harry". 

Harry's face began to soften, he had known the Weasley's for a little under a year now and knew they cared for him deeply. The twins and Ron had rescued him a month earlier from the Dursley's, they wouldn't have kept something this important from him unless they had to. 

"I'm so glad to have finally met you Harry, I really want to stay, catch up and get to know you but erm," Evelyn looked at the pile of books the small Weasley girl was holding "I have to get my books, grandma is waiting for me outside" she said almost sadly as she picked at her fingers nervously. Then quickly added "Well technically she's not really my grandma, but I..." She had begun to ramble on about how she was living with a magical family but her 'grandma' was infact a muggle, when Mr Weasley butted in. 

"Don't worry dear, I'm sure Harry understands," he turned to Harry who had a small smile crawling up the one side of his face. "You go get your books and run along to your grandma, you'll be able to talk with Harry until you lose your voice, once you get to Hogwarts. And I think we all need a little time to process today's exciting encounter, wouldn't you agree?" he said softly with a reassuring pat of Evie's shoulder. 

He was right, they did need time to process and they have a whole year once they get to school. Feeling less guilty, Evie quickly gave Harry a hug goodbye and flashed a beautiful, wide smile to the Weasley family. She bought the books she needed and cheerily left the shop to buy the last item on her shopping list - a Brown owl.

On her way back to find Hope, she decided to name the bird Gallahad. She had always been fascinated with muggle stories, taking a particular liking to King Arthur and the knights of the round table. Beginning to feel weary from the days adventure, she found Grandma Hope and they headed back to Yorkshire. Evelyn was so exhausted that she fell asleep almost instantly on the car ride back home. She didn't even get a chance to tell Hope that she had met him, finally she had come face to face with her brother Harry. He was everything she had expected him to be, as she fell asleep she dreamt of the adventures they would have at Hogwarts. 

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