The Rogue {15}

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Warning this chapter contains evil and an upsetting consequence


I must admit being an evil genius, a mate and a leader is hard work. However I must not rest until the brat of a sister is wolfed up forever and trained to be a killer. That's what the wolf keepers do. They wolf them up then inject them with an anti-shiftant and train them to be like pets and gaurd s and sometimes (like in my case) killers. They train the wolfs to follow a certain  persons command and make them undefeatable. Once that is done I will take over my brothers pack and my sisters mates pack using my dear little sister. The only thing we need to do now is get my sister and take her to the keepers. Mwahahaha


I was out on  run by myself just wanting to run and clear my head. I mean truly, what did I ever do to my brother to hate me this much?

I Shook's my head and ran faster. I heard the sound of paws running after me, and thinking that it was rogues, I ran faster looping round to head back towards the house. I was cut across however and surrounded by 10 wolves of different colours. They all had a black mark on their left shoulder, like where on a human someone would have a tattoo. I snarles at them before I saw them bow down.

I noticed a much larger male wolf coming my way. I could never ever mistake who this wolf was. The ginger coat, the harsh black eyes, the black mark on his shoulder where the tattoo representing our family is. Sam was here. And he wasn't leaving.


Well well well. Guess it was easier than I thought it would be to catch my baby sister. As I stood across the clearing from her, her hackles raised and her body flattened to the ground, a low growl building in her throat, I laughed.
'Now what precious sister. You fight of my group then what? Me!? I think not. I think, however, you need to come with us to protect your mate and that pup you have growing inside you.'

She looked surprised at her stomach, I smirked at her and she growled at me.

'Oh but little sister did you not know? I'm surprised your little alpha didn't smell it. It is quite strong on you. Any way, let us take our leave. Jay, Kyle walk either side of her and let us go'

She hung her head low and followed defeatedly.


I was quietly getting ready in my office, about to go out after star, when Zayn and Niall burst through the door.

'Alpha there have been rouges spotted leaving the territory. They said there was a remarkably coloured ginger wolf and they all seemed to be surrounding another wolf.'

I nodded 'well if they have made their way of the terri-'

'Alpha, scouts tried to get a closer look at who the wolf was, sir it was a tabby wolf' zayn trailed of.

My face paled while my eyes darkened, scar coming close to the surface. 'Please don't tell me that was star...'

Zayn and Niall exchanged a look, before ducking to avoid the desk I had just thrown across the room.


'Yes Alpha!'

Sam you have made a big mistake. I'm coming to get you  and you will pay for taking my mate!!

OMG hey guys.

So pretty uneventful chapter. Oh who am I kidding!

Wtf Sam that is so messed up! How could you just take star!

Loads of drama coming soon. And star is pregenent

Anyway toodles guys love you all xxxx

Kymmi x

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