chapter one

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you had finally escaped the incessant annoyance of your older sister, sara, and were taking a walk on the beach of yashiori island, collecting your thoughts as you lowered your head to watch the waves rolling over your bare feet and washing away any trace that showed anyone had recently been there.

as you were about to look up your head collided with something else. you landed with a thud on your behind, with another thud and a hiss of pain following soon after.

"dude, what the h-"

you looked at your "attacker" and you saw something- well, someone -  unexpected.

it was a male with burnt orange hair, blue eyes and fair skin, although not something you'd expect. he had.. cat ears and a tail? (he was currently cradling the tail, presumably because of the fall.

"my apologies, are you alright?"

"i'm fine."

he hesitated for a moment, before saying;

"so- uh, what're you doing here?"

"walking, obviously." you replied in a snarky tone.

an irritated look flashed across his face, before it was quickly replaced by a calm demeanor.

"i'm gorou. you?"


"pso, what do you like to do?"

you fought the urge to say "your mum", and replied:

"well, i suppose i like irritating my sister."

a wicked grin spread across your face as you began to tell him all about the pranks you pulled on sara, without disclosing her name though, you knew your parents would be upset, and in return, he began to tell you some things about himself, about how he often trips over his tail, and how it wags when he's happy, or droops when he's upset.

you had chatted away into the night, and you had only remembered you had to be home to discuss battle plans with sara. your eyes widened.

"i'm sorry gorou, i have to go. my sister's expecting me home soon."

"ah, it's alright. would you like to meet here again tommorrow?"

"sure, what time?"

"at the time we met, 3:12."


you snuck through the door of your abode, having recently disembarked your waverider. you closed the door to see sara leaning beside it.

"well, where have you been? we had to discuss battle plans at 8:00. it's 9:40."

"my apologies sara, it took way longer than it expected to arrive home."

sara sighed.

"i wont always be here to look out for you. i'll tell mother that you were with me."

although you knew she wouldn't always be here, you still felt a pang in your heart thinking one day your sister would die before you, the result of her being older and a general of an army.

you nodded and enveloped her in a tight embrace, which she lightly returned.
after letting go you gave her a smile and headed to bed, excited to meet gorou tommorrow.


i apologise for any mistakes im so tired

i apologise for any mistakes im so tired

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