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—[ r u n ]— }{{ couldn't win, fighting, bleeding, losing, and now i'm sick of it

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—[ r u n ]—
{ couldn't win, fighting,bleeding, losing,
andnow i'm sick of it.
if I can't have it i fuckin' keep it low
crying, crying, crying, forget it now
love you, love you, love you
no matter what I do }
past; 01

c h a p t e r s i x t e e n
「 b l o n d e s  a n d  b r u s i e s 」

Yuki hadn't spoken to Mikey since that night. Well actually, she hadn't talked with any of the captains. Sure she spoke with Takemitchy to get caught up on what Mikey was doing and if he was well but other than that, nothing. Kazutora and Takemitchy were the only ones she had talked to since that night. "Hey doll" Kazutora's voice sounded through her cellphone as she walked out of school

"Hey Kazu" she said and stopped outside the school gate to take off her blazer and tie

Yuki wasn't a big fan of wearing ties, they felt uncomfortable(and she fucking hated the sailor uniforms for the girls so she wore the boys uniform but stuck to the skirt). She shoved both articles of clothing into her bag as she listened to the former Toman member speak. "Can you come to Valhalla's hideout?"

She furrowed her brows. "Hm?"

"Valhalla's hideout" Kazutora repeated "It's the abandoned arcade"

She bit the inside of her cheek. Why was he calling her there? "Uh... Okay...?" She spoke hesitantly

"See you there!"

He cut the call. Yuki sighed wondering what kind of mess she had gotten herself into. Pulling out her Toman jacket from her bag she put it on and then caught sight of her neighbour. "Hey, Mikasa!" she said to the girl walking towards the neighbourhood where her house was

Yuki pulled out her purse from the bag and zipped her bag up. "If you're going home can you leave my bag on my front porch?"

Mikasa furrowed her brows but nodded. "Ah okay... Are you going out for..." the girl paused "activities"

Yuki pursed her lips and nodded slowly. "I'll buy you something next time" she told her neighbour

Mikasa nodded and took Yuki's bag. "Okay Yuki-chan, stay safe!" The girl called and began to walk the other way

Said girl ran her fingers through her black and white coloured hair. "I'll try"


Standing in front of the abandoned arcade, Yuki was now regretting coming here. She didn't know what to expect and what Kazutora had called her here for. But nevertheless, they stepped over the no-trespassing sign and pushed open the doors. Coughing a little at all the smoke that came rushing at her, she fanned her face.

Fucking men.

There was a sea of white. More than 100 boys wearing white jackets scattered around the arcade. The place smelled like cigarette smoke and sweaty boys. God, it was gross. "Yuki-chan?" A familiar voice filled her ears

She turned to see a former Toman member. "Jay?" The hazel-eyed boy looked surprised to see her here

Nakamura Jay had left Toman around 6 months ago, not saying the reason why. His brown hair is now dyed black with red highlights. He was a little taller now too, standing at around 5'9". "What are you doing here?" Jay asked

"Kazutora told me to come here"

A realization seemed to hit the other boy. "Ah~ I'll take you to him" Jay spoke and began walking farther into the arcade

Yuki frowned wondering why exactly Jay was here. But she didn't think further when she saw a crowd of white with their backs turned. The sounds of groans come from the middle of the crowd. "Move aside, she's here to see the 3rd division captain," Jay said shoving past the boys who soon made a path for the both of them

The familiar sight of the back of Takemitchy's head caught her eye and just before she could say his name she saw exactly what the Valhalla boys were crowding around. There, in the center was Baji punching the shit out of Matsuno Chifuyu. "What the actual fuck" she said as Baji stood up off of Chifuyu

"Kazutora" she spoke standing next to him now, Takemitchy on his other side "What is going on here?"

She'd rather not ask Baji right now. "A test of faith of course" Kazutora spoke as if it was the most obvious thing

Yuki rolled her eyes and pushed Baji away from Chifuyu crouching down next to the now unconscious boy. "Ah, Yuki-chan!" Hanma's voice filled her ears

She looked up realizing she hadn't noticed the Valhalla captains. They were sitting on makeshift thrones on a makeshift stage at the back of the arcade. "Nice for the commander's little princess to finally join the party" he continued

She rolled her eyes and opened up her purse, taking out some guaze to clean off the blood to see the damage done to the boy. Taking a small flashlight from her purse she gently opened the boy's right eye and shone it inside.

subconjunctival hemorrhage of the eye she diagnosed in her head. She was gonna have to take him to the hospital for that and the rest of his wounds to check for broken bones or fractures or a concussion.


As she treated whatever she could, Yuki cancelled out the sounds in the back, only focusing on the 1st division vice-captain. "God Chifuyu, how did you end up in this situation" she muttered quietly, carefully brushing her fingers through his blood-caked hair

"You're one of the founding members of Toman along with Mikey-kun, right Baji-kun?" Takemitchy said

Yuki could hear a hint of desperation in his voice. "Then why are you betraying them?"

She sighed quietly and finished with what she could do for Chifuyu right now, propping the boy's head on her lap. "I'm a founding member of Toman so I shouldn't betray them?" Baji scoffed after saying "Give me a fucking break. He's a founding member too"

"Huh?" She heard Takemitchy's confused voice

"It's true" Yuki spoke, hand grabbing Chifuyu's wrist to check his pulse "Kazutora was a Toman member and a founder"

Despite her back turned to him, Yuki could already tell that Takemitchy had that confused shocked kinda face. The face that lets everyone know what he's thinking. "Kazutora has a grudge against Toman," Baji said "I'll never forget it, the summer of 2003, when I was in my first year of middle school... We were running wild"

Yuki shook her head. "You remember Yuki? It was 6 years after Mikey and I met you" Baji said with a laugh "you were 11 years old but still looked like a fucking 3 year old"

A sigh left her lips, nostalgia filling her. "Right now isn't the best time to reminisce Baji-Kun" she said

Baji grinned like he was going to enjoy telling the story. "But we have to tell the twerp the story now don't we"

She grumbled a curse in Korean.

This wasn't gonna be fun.

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