479 27 3

—[ r u n ]—
{ just because we check the
guns at the door
doesn't mean our brains will
change from hand grenades }
past; 05

c h a p t e r  f i f t y t w o
「 w h a t w a s i m a d e f o r ? 」

January 27 2016 Timeline 5

It's eventual and slow that the others(except Mikey) start finding out about Yuki's miscarriage, starting off with Mochi. He had accidentally heard Rindo talking to Yuki and Mochi of course held his head and grumbled about not getting paid enough for this shit. He said he wouldn't say anything to anyone else and just went on with his day pretending he hadn't heard anything.

Next came Takeomi. Or well turns out he knew the day it happened. He overheard them in the bathroom and decided any of that wasn't his place. Takeomi swore he'd keep his mouth shut about it.

Then came Sanzu. Convincing him to keep quiet had been harder. Yuki ended up threatening him with a gun to his head with tears in her eyes practically begging him. The sight had been awful. Yuki wasn't feeling well at all and despite the lie about the concussion, she was going on missions once again non-stop. It wasn't healthy and she looked so exhausted it even caught Sanzu's eye who then heard her talk to Dr Tanaka about it on the phone. Sanzu realized this wasn't something he was used to dealing with and decided to let Yuki handle it.

After Sanzu was Kakucho. Yuki had been spending a lot of time with Koko after the whole thing, more than usual if that even made sense. Not to mention him noticing how exhausted she'd been looking. He ends up finding out the same way Sanzu did through an overheard phone call and he confronts her about it. Kakucho promises not to tell Mikey that instant and hugs Yuki tight, giving her the comfort she's really been needing.

At last, was Ran. He also hears it while eavesdropping on his little brother and Yuki talking to each other. It wasn't his fault that he noticed them willing spending time together. So when he hears the words miscarriage and Mikey he chokes and ends up exposing himself. Ran doesn't need to promise Yuki anything. He's old enough to know something like that isn't to be shared. Instead, like Kakucho, Ran holds Yuki tight to his chest in the most comforting way possible. It's what Izana would have done for her so Ran would too.

They all keep hush-hush about it of course. No one mentions it, no one talks about it. Sanzu tries his best to lay off on giving Yuki any work which is uncharacteristic of him and Mikey notices it immediately(although doesn't explicitly say anything about it).

It's only been about 12 days since that day and the bleeding had settled down. Tanaka did say it would take around 2 weeks. The cramps had gotten significantly better but Yuki still felt like absolute shit. She's more than thankful that none of those idiots had gotten hurt and it wasn't time to take out Rindo's stitches yet. Yuki feels like she can't do anything at her. She's getting body aches and feels so tired all the time. Even right now as she sits on the couch all alone in the penthouse, her entire body just feels achy all over. Mikey has been gone for a few days at a time since the whole attempt murder-suicide. Yuki can't help but be thankful for it. She thinks if she sees him for too long she'll break down.

Yuki is mostly alone right now. Rindo was still healing from his wound and fast asleep in his room. She's alone and Yuki just feels so lonely. She wishes Emma was here. Emma would have comforted her and told her what to do. Yuki wishes she could see everyone from Toman again. She wishes things hadn't ended up this way. Mitsuya, Draken and Pah-chin would have been so happy to hear she was pregnant. Yuki tears up and lets out a shuddery breath. God, she's tired. Yuki remembers just how she found out about the baby. It was really by chance that she did. She and Tanaka were messing around with the newly arrived ultrasound machines. They were joking around as they pressed the thing to her belly and that's when they noticed it. Immediately Yuki's blood ran cold and they did a test. It came back positive and Yuki was 5 weeks pregnant. She had cried at the hospital but decided after telling Mikey she would get an abortion. But one day turned into 2 weeks and Yuki couldn't get herself to tell Mikey. She was a bit afraid of his reaction. But now Yuki wishes she had told Mikey right away because his reaction to a miscarriage would have been worse than the pregnancy. Right? Yuki isn't so sure.

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