Haunting: Zayn Malik

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“Why Zayn, why?” Queenie’s tears fell as she looked at him with eyes that will haunt him forever. Zayn moved towards her but she stepped away, rubbing her nape. He couldn’t think of the proper words to say. His instinct took over him. Swiftly, he bit the girl, who screamed as she saw his true form.  The girl fainted but Zayn caught her before her head hit the ground. She was certainly dying from losing too much blood. It was in front of him, and because of him.


Zayn awoke from his slumber. Sweat was budding on his forehead. He wasn’t exactly sleeping. He doesn’t need it. He was just resting, but the dream still managed to creep in his mind. It was one week after he killed the girl he loves. One week since the dream or rather nightmare started to haunt him, and one week since her eyes bore into the depth of his mind.

He cried silently in the middle of the night, looking at the empty space beside him in his bed. He just longed for a girl who will accept him for who he is, but none came. Maybe it was his punishment for being a man whore. If he knew that the mother, of the girl whose heart he broke, was a witch, then he wouldn’t have done it.

She damned him forever—to walk this earth alone, to be depressed with no one to love and to hold, and whoever will love him, he would kill with his own hands. That was what happened. Five-hundred and seventy years, or more—he lost count, he was cursed for breaking a girl’s heart, which he called pathetic. It is funny how he turned to be the pathetic one now.

“If only I’m not damned, then I wouldn’t have met her but then…” he gripped his hair like a mad man or the madman that he is.

If only he wasn’t a man whore. If only he wasn’t a heartbreaker, then maybe he could be saved from his hell on earth.

Heavens, he only felt it with Queenie.

Queenie. The name suited her. She was his queen and he is the king. Well, was.

He will never love again. Nobody compares his Queenie—his queen.

Her name is Queenie, she is my queen

Prettiest, loveliest, among girls I’ve seen

How cruel fate is, cursed me then met her

If I have another life, I’ll find and be with her

~ Haunting ~

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