outside the border

567 18 1

narrator to introduce story-

in this world, vampires took over. there are cities and towns of people who have borders that vampires can't enter but, many places are under vampire rule and there are human farms so vampires don't run low on food. Tommy, a 13 year old boy with blond hair, sky blue eyes, short but thin, and a stubborn attitude is one of the many anti-vampire townspeople.


i wake up in my "home" as in abandoned store, and notice i am out of food.... i am not a normal kid, my parents were killed by vampires when i was 5. 

But i made it to the border and made home in a compartment store that was abandoned. Time to start the day.... I get out of my bed, a old mattress with a pillow and a red blanket with patches. I look in my broken mirror, lookin good. i put on my dark red hood over my white shirt and tan jeans.

i walk into the busy part of town, people set up shops and sell goods on the streets all they need is a booth. today is busy, perfect. i come across a booth with bread and some apples.... 

i wait till the salesman is talking to a customer and grab a handful of apples and bread and walk away casually.... "HEY STOP THIEF!!!" dangit! someone snitched! i start to run, they may be strong and big but i am fast and know the alleys like i know the abc's.

 i see some police searching the crowds for me.... I run into an alley and go onto the roofs and eventually i am at the edge of the border out of breath. "*gasp* finally *pant* lost em *gasp*". i then look into the bag and see what i got. 

4 loafs of bread

6 apples

a woman who i passed by's necklace

a mans watch

and a wallet with a 20 inside

not bad! i tie the bag back in my hood/cloak and walk my way home walking at the edge of the boarder.... i wonder.... what is it like out there? in here it's the same everyday. 

I steal, sleep, eat, and cause trouble.... then a thought came to me..... what if i left this place.... and found a sanctuary....? i ran home and packed my most valuable possessions:

my pocket knife (decent size could cause decent damage)

the food obviously

a long stick with pointy end

my water supply

my blanket

my lighter

my rope

my blanket

my stuff animal cow

my bandanna

silver knife and gun with silver bullets(in case of vampires"

and last, money and a picture i keep of my mom and dad

once packed, i head to the end of the border..... i start to have second thoughts... vampires did kill my parents... but if i get caught by the police they'll through me out of the border anyway accept with nothing but the clothes i am wearing... i have to i am a big man no vampire can scare a alpha male like me! 

i hold my breath and take a step out and leave the border, the safe zone.... i look around seeing huge trees, bushes, rivers, flowers, animals, and more! I think i am gonna like it out here....


just as the boy says those words a vampire 100 miles away smells the sweetest most Delicious blood he has ever smelt... "hmmmm... now this is interesting" he smiles and goes back into the darkness

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