the badlands

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i keep running and running and running until the world begins to spin and i fall to the grassy floor and everything goes dark and my mind slips into sleep...


i curse under my breath, bad, skeppy, hannah, ant, and ponk have all been taken over by her.... the egg... she appeared out of nowhere and has a voice of a woman, me and puffy were the only able to escape the only thing supposed to be able to defeat this... thing!? is the gold blood... but i have no clue where it may be... i have to hurry they are sacrificing thousands of humans and recently we found out that it also eats vampires...


i wake up feeling very weak and very tired, "ugh?", i see i woke up where i fell asleep... i guess it's nice to wake up in the same place you went to bed for once in a long time.... i begin my journey.... i travel and find posters littering the ground and trees about some giant red egg?

my stomach growls... maybe they won't mind if i have a bite? i follow the posters until i am met with a kingdom... it is filled with vampires and everything seems more... red? not like the blood more like the color itself... everything here seems to be white, black, and red?

i sneak behind some shops and grab clothes... i got a mask, a hood, but i need more to disguise.... i look over to find... humans?! they are walking amoungst the vampires?! and they don't appear to be slaves nor livestock?!

i put on my hood and mask just in case and walk in the crowd of vampires and humans... i continue to look at the seanery until i lost the crowd...? i look to see people are visiting inside the castle?!

i probably shouldn't but i can't help but be curious what the inside may look like... "now follow me, i will show you the great egg!", says a woman vampire voice like soft cotton... red roses in her brown long hair and a light pink dress...


skeppy, you don't understand! "what?! lets see, you take my people from my kingdom and use them for food for your egg what is it that i am not getting?!", skeppy says anger in his tone... "don't talk to the egg like that... it will anger it!", i say fearfully looking at the egg....

"i thought the egg was good?! why should you fear it then?! i am leaving, goodbye bad...", at this i panic and reach out my hand only for the egg to sprout a vine and have it wrap around skeppy's arm... 

"HEY!?", skeppy says, the thorns are piercing through his clothes and his skin blood begins to drip.... "nonono....", i smell his royal blood and my mouth waters... "BAD?! MAKE IT LET GO!", yells skeppy.

"I CAN'T!", i yell pleading.. skeppy pulls out his sword and slices the vines making the egg hiss in pain. "AAAAAAUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHH!??!??!", i yell feeling the egg's pain. "THATS IT BAD I AM LEAVING I WISH IT WASN'T FOREVER BUT YOU CLEARLY ARE NO FRIEND TO ME!".

at this i hear the egg in my head... 

stop him

he's your friend

make him one of you

he'll never be able to leave again

give him to me

i will make him yours


and ever

never leaving you again

"STOP!!!!!!!", i yell reaching out both hands and two vines grab and wrap around skeppy. "B-bad?! S-stop this!!!", he wiggles but it makes no difference the vines bring him to me and hold him still showing his neck...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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