The submarine

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Are you really okay?" Natasha said unconvinced with a look of concern and a want to help.

Was I ever okay? Had I ever been okay ? I had started out my life as a living  weapon and used an ego bigger than the sun to cover my own insecurities. Then I was a simple child who lived with his family but that was ripped away from me forever and since then I have been killing people without remorse.


"I call bullshit." she said calmly. "I know the face you made while asleep. That's the face I make when I remember the Red Room and all the tortures they put me through. You have some sort of past trauma and I know you don't want to tell me and that's okay just don't pretend you are okay when you aren't. Not to me." She said staring with her emerald eyes directly into my soul.

She was the only person I had ever known that truly got me. She had been a weapon before. She had been used and she had longed for a family. She was the only one in this world that I could honestly say I trusted.

"Oka-wait sorry. I'm not okay. You know better than anyone else what I'm going through." I replied actually catchig her gaze and looking at her eyes.

They were beautiful. I saw every spec of blue and slight hazel in those eyes like flowers and trees in a field of grass and I saw her dark pupils like deep ravines which led directly to her soul and mind.

I tore myself away and I thought I spotted the ghost of want on her face but it dissapeared as quickly as I saw that. 

"Maybe you should tell me about the mission I am going on." I said leaning back in my seat and trying to banish all thoughts of her eyes from my mind.

"So, the gist of it is that around fifty-or-so Miean Ra soldiers managed to take over control of a military nuclear-capable sub with long ranged hydrogen bombs. They have targets on LA, New York and DC. Their terms are that we release Jon Xiang who is the founder of their organisation and that the president signs an agreement that they will never send any form of raid to the rebels in the north of Thailand." She said now focusing on our position nearing the helicarrier.

"What about just sending in a military ship to take them out?" 

"They are placed in the perfect position that if the nukes went off then it would permanently stop all sea-based trade on the east coast. They have threatened to blow themselves sky-high if any sign of anti-missile systems, evacuation or moving of the government occurs. Also, if they see any military vessel of any kind get near then they blow up as well. The President has told Fury to get a team together to take down the vessel quietly and in the most undetectable way. Fury asked who I thought we needed and my first thought was you." She said casually like the entirity of America was not at risk right now.

"Well its nice to know that you think of me Nat." I replied

"Well, you live rent-free in my head anyway." She smirked sending my stomach through a round of flips. Damn that smirk it kept on making my palms sweat and everything. It was just annoying at this point.

"So, what's the plan?"

"We approach using a plane at a high altitude and then parachute down to the main deck. We take out that level with minimal noise. Then, we activate a huge EMP and head down each of us getting a level to take down assuring that nobody uses the radioes that we have tapped inside of the ship so that nuke-control doesn't get trigger happy with the big red button. Following this, I use a magnetic override so that the nukes cannot trigger. The people on the bridge will then be neutralised." She said like she was talking about the weather we have been having recently rather than our plan to take down a nuclear submarine.

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